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Everything posted by brotherscro

  1. brotherscro

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    That invisible man attacked me and my friend when we were playing on some DE server we made a fireplace then when we lit it up it was constantly dyng out so my friend asked me if i was doing that then i noticed some shots were fired at us from m16 and no one was around when i tried to walk it was like something was blocking my patch like invisible guy so we both disconected hackers need to be banned :/ And i noticed when i disconected these names GHOST and GHOST(2) but when i got to the lobby they werent there
  2. So I saw this video I'm wondering how is it done since im playing with my friend i really want to scare him trought the microphone :D Anyone have any ideas?
  3. brotherscro

    DayZ Fake sound from microphone ?

    Actually i just found something and it works both ways gonna test it with my friend later thanks for help tho it's a software called MorphVOX Pro (is it against rules to post names of software?)
  4. brotherscro

    DayZ Fake sound from microphone ?

    I'm tryng so it will work that I can play fake sounds + I can talk normally with my friend on TeamSpeak but when i enable stereo mix it just picks up music from my pc not what I am saying from microphone
  5. So im just wondering will ArmA II Retail + OA Steam have any problems ?Im about to buy OA from steam since I have ArmA II Retail already so are there going to be problems with it ? Thanks
  6. brotherscro

    ArmA II Retail + OA Steam

    So I couldn't wait and I bought OA from stean now when im tryng to launch it i get this error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine any ideas :/ ?