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About Olemars

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  1. Olemars

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    Should have been flares as starting kit, not flashlight. No starting weapon is how I wanted it all along. NVG's should be removed from loot tables and ideally scrubbed from all inventories.
  2. I had only one quirk when trying to get DayZ running. The first time I launched CO I had to shut down steam and restart it with "run as Administrator".
  3. Olemars

    The "I know that guy" visual system

    I do sort of agree with Felix about names. You should have to introduce yourself to someone once for them to recognize you by name later. But then you'd still need a way to "recognize" those you've met but haven't told you their name as well, and that's where any solution will get gamey.
  4. I had ArmA II already, but never did much with it (got chased off by the horrendously poor scripting of the SP campaign). The first RPS article about DayZ caught my interest and CHKilroy's shacktac vids convinced me to get OA. Even bought a headset with proper mic just for this.
  5. Olemars

    NORWAY restarting every 30sec

    They're just not responding to ping requests. If you join one of them you'll probably have a ping in the lower teens.
  6. I would volunteer for a real zombie apocalypse if it meant avoiding the EVE metagame.
  7. Olemars

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    I prefer night too. It's tough going, but at least the darkness lets you stay hidden when you want to. And it makes the atmosphere and immersion that much more intense.
  8. I love how the night works now, and you should definitely not start with a flashlight. Finding your way in the dark, carefully weighing the compromise between popping a flare for some light, knowing that it can be seen miles away, and the elation of finally finding a working flashlight in some attic is a big part of what this is all about. Not running around and shooting zombies and upgrading the peashooter. There are dozens of games for that.
  9. Sooo, basically a DDoS script to swamp the poor servers with even more connection requests?