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Stane (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Stane (DayZ)

  1. You usualy have more players than slots on a server. What would you do if your server is full?
  2. Agree spawn times are too fast. Cleaned towns should stay zombie free for some time or at least zombies should spawn directly behind your back. A spawn distance would be nice.
  3. Stane (DayZ)

    Random Horde Walking

    Zombie hords witht his size should stay in big towns, unless you can lure them or something. hored idea is already a topic here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34355-new-zombiesinfected/
  4. Stane (DayZ)

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Would help a lot to argue about this radio thing if next time the purpose of a feature would be mentioned in the initial post. I don’t know if this Radiostation should be implemented to prevent ghosting or support end game camp building, to prevent looting the item-spawn-points by server hopping, to support markets or clan wars with mark their territories... People are talking about a lot of interesting ideas, but its so divers that its hart to make a point about the actual topic. Radios are a cool thing and fit pretty good into the world but just to bring them in somehow because they cool and fit isn't the right way. It should be the other way around, like: “We want to support the late game and camp build for bigger groups. An idea we had is to use radiostations which prevent spawing of players in that area. What do you think? What other ways are there?” Or “We want to give the possibility to set up a Radiostation. What could it be good for?” Something like that...
  5. Wonder if a logout timeer is even possible with this client/Server structure. Maybe one way would be to just not be able to choose a server you want to log in. Instead of a list of servers you jhave a list of friends who are online to join them, or you just join a server with the best ping. Would it make more difficult for ghosting.
  6. Stane (DayZ)

    New Zombies/Infected

    Well lets go back to topic and try to normaly argue about it. I'm also a supporter of the idea to have different Zombie types or at least change something with them. AFAIK there are atm already 3 kind of types -normal walking one -crouch jumping one -crawling one They differ in visibility for the player and i think also in speed. Their behaviors and values are the same. The players possibility to "interact"(shoot them, get hit, get noticed) with them are also very limited. There are tons of them randomly running around in the towns and the only way to get to the loot points is to try to sneak your way through this chaos. So my point is, after a the 10th time its just gets boring, you are loosing patience and tension. Fun is decreasing. There need to be change. So to change things its important to know in which way the changes will change the game experience and what experiences should be supported and which not. For Rocket the core of the game is the survival feeling, the Zombies are just a modern scenario to represent the danger. The player needs to bring it self on purpose temporarily into danger in order to survive. The Arma2 engine is just the wrapping which supports the whole experience by giving a "realistic"/authentic/believable surrounding. So in addition to this survival feeling other for me important DayZ experiences w were also the constant paranoia, at least in the beginning, the discovery, the unprediction, the finding and building of some kind of a home, looting and gearing up, keeping alive and ofcause to share this with a friend. These are the points I would orient on for deciding if a change fits in or not. So one point to make the zones with the zombies more interesting is to increase the possibilities to interact with the zombies. This could be: -More ways to distract them, for example throwing a stone/can/bottle/... -Hunting an animal to place it near the zombies to attract some. -more doors and fence gates, to slow down zombies who are hunting you, zombies cant open doors/fences just destroy them, which gives the player some time to run away -attract zombies not only by a gunshot but also a shout -Setting a blood track, to lure zombies somewhere -Some Zombies are hiding, in the house or some where else Horde: I think would fit very well in big cities. Cities have more and better loot so the challenge to get them should also be bigger. Maybe smaller hordes(around 5zombies) are also a good thing, instead of a zombie every 20meter. Infestor: Have to think about L4D. To get infested to become a Zombie opens a total new ways with tones of new questions. Are dead when you are a zombie? Can you controll the Zombie?... Would change the game to much atm in my opinion. So I disagree with the infestor and the idea of becoming a Zombie. Maybe to a later point in development I would think about this idea again. -Instead of that I would suggest an extremely rotten Zombie which just has a higher change to make you ill when it attacks. Mutant: To argue with realistic evolution, natural separation and stuff in a zombie scenario in a game isn't probably the best argument. I would argue more from the point of the mentioned game experiences. A Mutant is like a Boss. And you need a Boss in a Game only when all the other enemies are no real challenge anymore. I think it should be always dangerous for a player to go in town, of cause with higher gear its not so risky anymore as in the beginning but there is still a risk. So for that i disagree to the mutant. So instead of making stronger and stronger zombies I would suggest to make them more tricky, more scary or something like this. Or the environment is more challenging, like have to fight in the night, danger fields(like radioactive fields in Stalker), swamp, fog,... Wanderer: After you play a while, you start feel pretty save in the forests. Atm i think its kinda ok, because you dont really have a home/savespot and you need this contrast from dangerous zone and save place. but with the idea of future underground structures and further supporting of camps. There should be more danger in the woods. So for the moment i would say some single Zombies should spawn around town with a higher distance. Nightcrawler: I recently saw a dayz video about guys who are running through the forest in the night and go super paranoia by things they belive to see in the darkcombiend with some realy Zombies. The night is already scary enough but with the knowledge that there possible is something out there that is tracing you, would be awesome. Not sure if it has to be a special pitch-black-stalker-zombie, but some kind of zombie it must be. Maye the spawing radius around town for zombies should increase or this rare spezial zombies who hunt you. Southern & Nothern Zeds: Not should about that. It looks a bit like an increase in difficulty and i would argue the same as i did for the mutant. What i would more agree on are location based zombies like soldier zombies with armor and helmet in and around military bases, where you can find all the cool stuff. If this is not challenging enough its probably a good idea to let loot spawn rare loot at those places only in the night. Zombies with different shapes or states of rottenness is also a cool idea. Would like to give it a try to see how it affects gameplay. Any other ideas of Zombie types or how to enrich the expirience with them?