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Everything posted by Cinnabuns

  1. Clearly there is no update.... it states this on the website Weekly Report: Starting our focus on SurvivalWhen is the next update on stable? 0.37 will be deployed to Stable during scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 GMT. Changelog will be distributed at that time. OH WAIT, that's today.
  2. I sincerely wish developers would just make the game they want to make and not pander to a bunch of whiney folks on some social media platform. Used to be back in the day when games were "good" and not cinematic crap experiences that developers made a game and you played it. If you didn't like it, you played something else. You didn't go to the game's website and cry/bicker about all the stuff YOU wanted changed and hoped others would agree with you so you could alter the game in to what you wanted instead of what the developers intended. Isn't it rampant these days? Can anyone take their own idea and produce it to fruition without the general public putting their two cents in? I mean in all honesty, who really cares what anyone else thinks? I certainly like the game the way it is. I hope Dean and Co. can execute this vision of a game without pandering to all the whining.
  3. Cinnabuns

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    I play with the CS CPL mouse accel fix (removes the values from the windows registry) and I play with my 8500dpi mouse on 810dpi like I do in ALL games. In-game I have the X and Y sensitivity turned nearly all the way down, only about 3-4 pixels of bar left on each. This worked fine for me in Arma OA, DayZ mod, and DayZ standalone...until this last patch. Now, after this last patch (stable branch 0.34.115106), it reset my keyboard bindings, mouse sensitivity, etc. So I went back in to set everything back up the way it was. Now I can move my mouse at a relative pace left to right and up and down and it works just fine. However, if I move my mouse twitch fast left or right the mouse either goes UP in to the sky or DOWN in to the ground. If I mouse very quickly to the RIGHT, the mouse veers UP till I'm looking straight up in to the sky. I'm not even mousing UP?!? If I move the mouse very quickly LEFT, the mouse veers DOWN until I'm looking at my feet. I'm not mousing DOWN at all?! Just left to right. The mouse only veers down when I mouse left quickly, and only veers up when I mouse right quickly. That's how it works now, great... never have I experienced such broken mouse behavior. GG
  4. Cinnabuns

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    I should think if you were a, "genuine expert", to put it your own so masterfully written words (sarcasm), you would accept that one of the current tactics used by children (mentally) currently IS ghost logging. It is part of the game unfortunately. 8 minutes is plenty of time to NOT sit where ever you were whether covering your own ass or not. You should have realized the first minute that they'd logged and moved out to cover where they were AND where YOU were so when they ghost logged and came up behind you, you wouldn't still be there and could pick them off from another convenient spot. Not really a genuine expert but surely continue to pat yourself on the back.
  5. Cinnabuns

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    A few things to consider here. The guys that are making this mod/game are game developers. I'm sure some of them know something about guns but I'm sure the majority don't as is the case in "most" groups of civilians. Something else I'm considering is that you've taken this shot group information from game files which is to say we have no idea how these patterns are being applied by the engine unless they're applied completely straight out of the file. It is entirely possible that your rest level factors in to this "file"(s) contents and the numbers given from the files are "worst case scenario" limits of the particular guns. So if you've sprinted for 100m and then fire your gun immediately with no rest (just as an example), the algorithm is applying (or will be applying in a future update) these aiming inconsistencies to your shot pattern where as if you have been squatting on a hill for 15min, are rested, healthy, etc, then the algorithm doesn't apply nearly as much of the "file"(s) contents to the spread pattern. Its just a theory obviously, and I'm sure "some" of the spread pattern is being applied or so many people wouldn't be up-in-arms about it. I just think its difficult to say with any certainty that just because you've found some values in some files that represent a particular spread pattern, does not imply that are being used "as is". Computers operate with low and high limits and what the engine does with these particular files would be of real interest in this case. Interesting find though. It would be curious to get a response from a developer that worked on this.
  6. Cinnabuns

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    - Removing what feature? You mean a feature that was present in another engine/game/mod? This isn't that engine/game/mod. Its different and new. Is that un-exotic enough for you to comprehend? It has not been added yet. They didn't remove it. "we understand the bugs and the lacks of contents" --I personally don't think you do as you wouldn't be spewing such tripe if you did. "but we can't accept the bad decision, especially if they can be corrected with a "click"." --More proof that you do not understand what an alpha is and what game programming is or how it works. Also you should change this to: "I can't accept the bad decision and others that come from my place of programming ignorance can't accept it either." --Cause that is all it is. Its too bad you can't accept it. It will change, the game will mature, features will be added. If you can't accept the state that its in now, good bye. "especially if they can be corrected with a "click"" --this is the most hilarious thing you've said yet. Corrected with a click? LOL. It can't even be corrected with a single line of code (e.g. typing -not using a mouse??) There are database dependencies, code dependencies, engine dependencies. Dean Hall and Bohemia Interactive are not your mother and father -- i.e. They will not give you want you want right now if you cry loud enough about it. I'm done wasting effort on this conversation.
  7. Cinnabuns

    Matchbox inconsistency

    246 matches. Yeah, 246 matches, yeah..yeah. 246 matches. 4 in the box. Yeah. Yeah, 4 in the box. 246 matches. Yeah, 4 in the box.
  8. Cinnabuns

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    And like I said, clearly there WILL be one but clearly IT AIN'T THERE YET for a reason. You guys and your impatient wims. We're not customers. We're self paying alpha game testers. When the game gets to release, THEN we'll be paying customers and we got 50% off for helping test. Do paying customers get signs that say, "Warning --do not buy me"? Where is your logic?
  9. Cinnabuns

    How to swich from EU to US servers?

    Click disconnect, then select a US server and click Connect.
  10. Cinnabuns

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    "Disabling the "RESPAWN" button is a very stupid idea if applied to a bugged alpha" Not a stupid idea, you're just not considering the alpha you're playing very carefully. "To not count the fact that actually everyone is just "suiciding", so this limitation is helping no one, neither the "abusers" neither the legit users." This limitation IS helping someone. The devs, but you didn't stop and consider that. The last thing they need currently when trying to get other issues sorted out is massive numbers of players spamming the Respawn button and hammering the database hive. Clutters up logs, causes network congestion, taxes system resources, etc. all when they're working on more pressing issues currently. Also, "everyone is just suiciding"... I'm not. I spawn and play the game and am really enjoying it and the updates that have been provided. Be patient. I'm sure it will be addressed when they GET TO IT. Sheesh... you guys are unbelievable.
  11. Cinnabuns

    Hacker just Teleported me to middle of water.

    We're not customers. We're people that chose to pay $29.99 to help Alpha test a game that is in Alpha. Its not a "product" yet. You read (maybe) and clicked a dislaimer to that fact there by surrendering any rights you have to "get your money back". The only way to get your money back is to not click "Buy" and "Accept" on the alpha disclaimer in the first place. You agreed to help. All you do is complain. How many times has this been stated in multiple threads around the forums and Pinned threads at the top of the forums. Anyone is permitted to do research prior to purchasing and make an informed decision. Unless they're not that bright.
  12. Cinnabuns

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    What they need are 5-6 decomposing player models of lesser and lesser graphic quality. After all have been cycled in over the course of a couple dayz or whatever, then the items they had are just placed on the ground where they died. This is because other players coming in to the area NEED TO BE AWARE that other players are killing players in this location. There should be some clear indicator to passers by that players have died there. If the bandits don't clean up the gear, then let other players risk taking it. Besides, with servers currently restarting every 2-8hrs., how does this affect performance? Same number of items, just a different location.
  13. Cinnabuns

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    Exactly. With 3 monitors you have to raise the FOV, not lower it. Raising the FOV makes things smaller but it also makes things look correct on 3 monitors. And I'm not someone who "think just because they have more money, they deserve an advantage". I saved my pennies for quite some time for this setup and I did it for immersion. I hope when you're 42 yrs old. you have enough money to buy a nice setup, too.
  14. Cinnabuns

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    Problem solved for who? I play on 3 monitors and if I can't move it up to about 50% the screen is way to big and stretched. People that use head tracking IR (not me) would also be appauled at this adjustability being removed. This isn't an issue. Once binoculars are in the game who would use this? Its just something people are currently doing because the Mosin scope is the only other way to zoom right now. Eventually you'll press B or whatever binoculars are bound to and then B to put them away. You won't have to hit ESC, move a slider, hit ESC again. Yeah, makes binoculars worthless. As in the majority of topics on these forums, HEY! lets give it some time to work itself out!...
  15. Cinnabuns

    Blood Types

    They're implemented so you can take your own blood and fill the bag. Then regen your own blood with food/drink and carry on knowinng if you get seriously injured you have a reserve of your own blood to pad your health. Sure you can take blood from other players but are they infected? Are they sick? Are they the same blood type? Who cares. Store your own up and keep it handy.
  16. Cinnabuns

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    This is fairly naive. Play the game a while and you will learn distinctive behaviors of people that KOS. If you "suddenly see someone running towards you", lets think about that. Would you as a survivor do this? I'm going to say NO. I certainly would not. Running up to someone out of the blue without communicating from a distance what their intentions are is fool hardy beginner/KOS behavior and you're just asking to get shot. If they're running up armed, you can run if you don't have a gun, you can tell them to stop or you'll shoot if you do have a gun, you can run and pull out your melee and then try and lose them between buildings and get behind them, or you can just sprint for 5min and desync your client and crash out (unfortunate alpha behavior currently). Make a list of the things you would do, as a survivor, to approach different situations. Make a list of the things you would do, as a bandit, to approach different situations. This alone will give you a massive advantage and help you better identify threats and friendlies. It isn't foolproof in-game nor in real life. It will help though.
  17. Cinnabuns

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Har. Not a choice? How is it not a choice? The term is K (kill) O (on) S (sight). Your choice is... don't be seen in the first place? Something else you keep repeating that I dont' understand. Can you clarify this statement you keep repeating, please. "Besides, if they're so hardcore why are they so afraid of a 500m warning? Something like this is ALREADY IN THE GAME," Something like a 500m warning is already in the game? What is that? If so I must have missed it. Nor would I ever want it. You know how to determine if there is someone around you in game? Don't blindly run around wishing the game would tell you things that you're not competent at. Check your zones, watch your six, be situationally aware. If you're not currently which it appears is the case, then over time you will become accomplished at it. You'll improve and you'll understand why many of things that you've suggested in your original post are non-issues and fairly immature and silly. When you meet someone out in the world, do you know them? Do you know anything about them? No, you don't. You can choose to engage in converstation with them or not. They could be a wolf in sheeps clothing and frequently are. There is trepidation in you when you engage them and rightly there should be. If things are known prior to engaging with someone, this totally cripples a large aspect of the immersive, emergent gameplay that is DayZ.
  18. Hahaha. You have to love ignorance to be a member of these forums. Otherwise... there's not much to read.
  19. Cinnabuns

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    The way to combat players running to X and equipping Y weapon is to make the loot spawns completely random with higher chances to spawn {whatever weapon} based on location on the map and frequency. Currently in a certain baracks, you can rest assured that if the server restarted you can go there and there's an M4 lying on the floor... awful. Spawns should not just be cycled but completely random. Then no one will know where to go to find what. Then we'll have more players covering the map. Not just checking the same old locations and finding the exact same things. I realize its alpha and currently the system is in its preliminary form to verify function of spawning mechanisms and that the above will be implemented at some point in the future so don't get your panties in a bunch. Just saying at some point...this desperately needs addressed.
  20. Cinnabuns

    I found the rarest item

    I've not seen this in game but I did see it in a survivalist dayz SA diary on youtube. It is called, "stab proof vest" and it looks like a black or dark blue body armor. Probably any kind of body armor would be better than none. It says something (police?) in russian on the back side with a square outline in orange or yellow.
  21. Cinnabuns

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    This sounds good. I see your TS server is based in NL. Is your game server also based in NL or elsewhere?
  22. Cinnabuns

    Desert Eagle

    No. Does not belong in this game. Other games? ...sure.
  23. Cinnabuns

    Got Any Tips?

    Shovel isn't great but its a decent melee weapon. Takes a few hits but it functions. Don't server hop quickly for gear. From what I've read, 4 times will get you, "respawning back on the beach" when you join the 5th.
  24. Cinnabuns

    Beginners Guide.

    You need to eat some charcoal pills (if you got sick from eating rotten food). Those will soak up the toxins in your belly. You might also try drinking water at a well/pond till you vomit. Then you could drink some more water after to replenish your liquid levels after vomitting. Hopefully after fires are implemented, we'll be able to start a fire and let it burn for a bit and then put it out and eat some of the charcoal off the burnt wood to take care of this type of thing without having to find rare charcoal pills. If you got sick from something else, hypothermia or infection from zombie, you need anti-biotics.
  25. Cinnabuns

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Do some research instead of making sad faces and complaining. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWjIiRaGIYo&feature=c4-overview&list=UUKnJ5ToE1KcVQKQ-IK3glyg