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Everything posted by rocky46

  1. rocky46

    Newbie Needing tips

    zoom is your friend, always look ahead, goin prone can be risky especially near buildings if you happen to not see a zombie, if you look ahead 360 degrees b4 advancing you should be able to duck run the roads, also dont be afraid to go into towns just be very carful circle the estate and find the clearest way in always stay duck running stay on the move zombies will barely hit you aslong as you are running, ZOOM ahead at doors to building to check if they are accesible get in and out fast, dont exit thru a door when you dont know whats out side use the way you came in and zoom check as you exit, avoid armed players lose zombies by running thru trees and bracken or circle round buildings
  2. rocky46

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    Why should we lose gear? it unbalances gameplay invalidating the whole concept, fix the f***king bug b4 releasing it , goddammit.
  3. rocky46

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    the game seems more challenging when they don't fix these kinda bugs i found a barn got a rifle 3 cans of cola and 3 bandages, after exiting the barn i get disconnected and rejoined to find i had no cola and no bandages strange how it only happened at that point, got the feeling i was being trolled.