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Everything posted by rocky46

  1. rocky46

    Cyric's Forum PvP Guide

    I rofled so hard and fell off my chair!!
  2. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    yeah most threads like that just stink of noob hemeroids and this one was a prime example, saying that tho there are a few issues that need to be addresses and wish were fixed sooner but overall this mod is something really great
  3. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    ive recently been dying more lately which is because im taking more risks running thru hills can get boring and tedious even if you have a backpack full of gear nothing but trees and gras as you stop to chow down on some canned pasta what should i do im miles away bored shitless, getting the gear for getting a car on the road is kind hard to come by any tips would be a help
  4. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    thats when i head for small towns with supermarkets that are f**kin miles away i was in pustoshka for ages which is quite abit west of stary sober(http:\\dayzmap.info if you want to see exactly)supermarkets are great i love them :D
  5. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    yeah i know what you mean but matches are usually in cherno or electro in houses mostly, these cities are a haven for loot and 90% of the time if i survive i come out with everything i need and an alice backpack it dangerous tho yeah but that sense of relief and acheivement when you escape with a ton of gear to the woods safe from players and walkers is a great feeling when woodland wandering you can kinda rest on your laurels abit if youve had a good city stock run just grabbing bits and peices here and there popping off a few lonely zombs
  6. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    thats actually a lie i bought minecraft in alpha, it was much cheaper then but you got the game for good with all future releases, you may be confusing earlier version, sorry to go off topic btw
  7. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    it has to be and actual big forest not just a bunch of short ass trees im having a similar problem with tents tho that i cant figure out, i value hunting gear quite highly since i know how to use it knife matches hatchet, as long as i have these i dont bother looting wood piles i just head for the forest when i need a fire. also cooked meat recovers 800 blood each, can be a pain finding animals tho.
  8. rocky46

    Worst Game Experience ever

    the mod has been made to be purposely that harsh, if you dive in head first as a newbie without knowing the basics you will die alot, easy way to not get hit is to keep running fully stood they will never catch you because they have to stop completely before trying to hit you, run around corners and stone walls etc in a maze like fashion if they can no longer see or hear you they will stop running but stil persue the same path you took, at this point you quickly duck or go prone and quietly break out far of the zombies pursueing path, " I was mislead into thinking this game was refined enough to be worth spending money on." what you got for your money is not dayz you got arma II and operation arrowhead which are actually damn good games in my opinion dayz is a mod, a free optional extra, which i think is as good if not better, its just that your new m8, i was really bad at it a few weeks ago and was just running into zombies all the time, you learn from your own mistakes quickly
  9. rocky46

    Bandits & A**holes?

    i think zombies need to be .. well.. fixed to start with so that they arent difficult just because they are buggy, but more difficult and more of them like body shots not killing with any gun, and not having to stop to hit you (which makes evasion 100% guaranteed aslong as your running) i think it will make it more interesting for both sides friendly survivor /bandit pvper both sides can enjoy both challenges at the moment tho its mostly all one sided (pvp) because the zombies are barely a challenge. if you want sole pvp why not just play cs, cod bc2, or normal arma II, i think rocket even said somewhere he wants it to be more about zombie survival.
  10. too much bullshit with hosting rules, rocket and his bullshit dictator attitude hell be asking when are you taking a break to go for a dump next
  11. "this is an alpha" is the pathetic excuse for imcompetence thats thrown at you when ever you complain about something, and i just died again because of a stupid game bug for the 5th time in a week
  12. rocky46

    Some people are real dicks

    exactly the attitude thast fucking this game up grow some balls you stupid prick
  13. rocky46

    Some people are real dicks

    unless its people you know and are playing this game with them maybe on teamspeak or something you WILL GET SHOT DEAD, PERIOD. its hard lesson to learn and some dont want you to learn it so you stay noob and they own you for your stuff, dont listen to the bullshit about shouting friendly thats just to distract you from owning their ass while they fire bullets in you. most people who play this game and are remotely good at it know this, ive encountered so called friendlys and ride along with them for a while then soon as he got a gun and i gutted an animal bam he shot me dead and took everything i dont like the pvp elemts that much but thats just the harsh realitiy be cause the majority of dick ass players have made it that way because they just wanna shoot people. go play COD noobs.
  14. rocky46

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    i was on a server just now, got chased ran into a resturant upstairs, i happened to have a lee enfield which bangs like a firecracker zombies came in i shot the few down more came good thing i had like 10 mags the more i shot the more came all together body count clocked 60 b4 i shot my way down the stairs and ducked out the back door the more that die the more that spawn and the more i shoot the nearby ones that spawn keep coming it was an infinite cycle, abit later i also had the problem of shooting a zombie and it suddenly coming back to life in the same place i got knocked unconcious and bled from 8000 blood to 4000 before i manged to bandage up
  15. rocky46

    Better Zombie AI / Movement

    i totally agree the aim to hit is actually bang on target with guns (i cant say the same for hatchets) what i do when i have 7 zombie chasing me.. run and keep looking behind untill they thin out, alsong as you keep running in full stand its guaranteed they will never catch you, they have to stop still to try and hit you, a quick 180 turn and jog backwards when they do there "stopping thing" shoot! 1 DOWN!! repeat and rinse "you CAN run you CAN hide and if you run they will never catch you"
  16. rocky46

    Better Zombie AI / Movement

    no he isnt retarded, hes just making a suggestion to improve which it is possible just becauseits on an engine that doesn have certain functions doesnt mean they cant be coded in by modding, after all thats what modding is about improving and adding a better experience, one could say your retarded for failing to realize that
  17. a mod dies when the people who support it stop giving a fuck, its a really great game and that fact that its in arma II engine really makes it but....it needs to be balanced bigtime, lots of server admins cheating and abusing glitches, its no use sayin “two or three hours away from complete disaster at any time” and expecting the community to just swallow it and soldier on, f**king improve and fix it if you want it to blossom!!
  18. rocky46

    Is it meant to be Hardcore PVP?

    i think there needs to be more zombies, but fix the delay/no damage bugs and make body shots count for nothing on zombies still keep the pvp but but make the zombies part more challenging as it is 1 guy can bypass alone i say make it so it requires platoons of guys planning a tactically to get by loot resulting loot harder to get players less likely to fire off rounds after all onec you have everything.. whats left to do? the thrill is in the chase and if you have the balls to pvp then so be it pvp is too easy because zombies are too easy it needs an equal balance but at the moment the most challenge leans on pvp
  19. rocky46

    Is it meant to be Hardcore PVP?

    i see thnx for filling me in im gonna be more careful now and show no remorse in shooting players nobody gets past me alive mwahahaha!!
  20. rocky46

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    gunfire attracts zombies the point is to avoid and only fire as a last resort and be tactical about it, with that said tho multiple waves of 20/30/40 is damn excessive!
  21. rocky46

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    The big alpha excuse bugs are being purpoesly left in to make the game seem more challenging and all the bugs that fuck the players over in some way or another are definetly left in, i started bleeding mildly couldnt bandage because of glitch controls forcing me to run all the time disconnected to fix it rejoined fell unconcious for 10 mins as soon is i rejoin and bleed to death losing tons of decent gear Players cheating: "send in your decoy noob friend who your speaking to on teamspeak, and tell him to disconnect from server when players catch him then he reports hostile players locations" happend to me a few times gunned down by 3 guys with automatics glitchy zombies; they are allowed to hit you form 3 metres and get a hit every time and half you shots miss point blank kinda conveiniently challenging tho eh?
  22. rocky46

    Newbie Needing tips

    still "on" full blood
  23. rocky46

    Newbie Needing tips

    lol ive taken out a whole estate nearly of zombies while crouched with an axe when i first started a day ago i was attracting 5 zombies at once and struggling to lose them, now i have 4 cans of soda a pistol 5 cans of food 4 bandages 4 magazines for my pistol and few other bits and peices, and am still no full blood
  24. rocky46

    Newbie Needing tips

    yeah i mean crouch walking which looks abit more of a run to me since its still quite fast, full stood run will attract zombies tho
  25. rocky46

    Newbie Needing tips

    i mean while crossing roads near settlements, zombies are quite often around the edges of estates wandering in the grass, and your slowly crossing a road on your belly?, risky.. duck running reduces your visibility and if you've checked for clearance you should be good