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Everything posted by rocky46
im playing alone as usual :)
feel the need to explain it because stupid people who want refunds when they get hacked online cant get it through their thick skull
he didnt just complain about hacking he went way over the top making it seem alot worse that it is. calling it crap and waste of money etc. that's why he's gotten this much shit.
lol it just makes me angry how stupid it is.
here we all are playing an epic mod and some guys character gets fucked up like most of us from time to time and he comes in raging demanding a refund for arma II its insanely stupid if i ever encounter the guy ingame imma blow his head clean off
officially dayz isnt the product being sold so aside from all the whiny bullcrap about only buying arma for dayz legally he aint entitled to a refund for jack shit the mod works the same for him as it does for everyone else and is playable and FREE
you can have all the beans in my alice pack!!!
the thought of getting a refund for a game because hackers are on multiplayer servers is stupid and absurd guy gets hacked once in a game and blows up and crys, we can only be sympathetic and give pointers on how to avoid, but if you want to play multiplayer games you have to learn that there are always hackers glitches and abusers especially since its an alpha modwelcome to the world of online gaming and try not to rage and cry like that dude it gets you nowhere
its not a "either/or" "black and white" like that not all the high capacity ones are full of hackers, like i said ive never been hacked, but your alone anyway unless you have your own crew who you know and trust on microphone chat, other players are very likely to just shoot you, there are legit friendlys, but do you wanna risk losing everything you have? every player is potentially and very likely to be double crossing or shoot you on sight
yes make a new profile, instant new character!, no waiting in the sea to starve to death easy peasy, go to cherno or electro and loot, but stay away from me, i shoot any thing moving or armed.
the argument of money doesnt stand up since the mod is free and not what you paid for as for complaining about dayz "its in alpha" yes i know its an excuse but a damn good one, when its been worked on and fixed it will be alot better obviously, im sorry for the inconvenience of being teleported to the sea, you were really unlucky and got trolled by a hacker, but you cant blame the mod as a whole or the fact that you paid for arma II to play it and got hacked lots of people play every day enjoy it and this doesnt happen to them and they enjoy the mod because its great but you have to deal with exploits atmo because its in alpha report it yes but no need to over the top rage cause it will solve nothing.
if youve seen some of my previous posts youll probly see me bitching like a whiner about stuff, but recently i just thought f**k it this game is great nonetheless, i havent been hacked yet, the only thing if had happen abuse wise is someone alt f4 on me while i was shooting him, its the harsh nature of this mod thats making people rage about it and throw the blame any where they can (yes i know theres hackers and it shouldnt be tolerated) now imma just play and enjoy it
it was made by one of the devs i did the same and it was well worth it :) but found out arma II is pretty sweet aswell so happy dayz
Dayz is not a product that he has purchased so he has no rights to get a refund even if he could he bought arma II and got it then he chose to download a free mod that runs on arma II's engine that happens to be buggy you cant slate a game because the a mod that runs on it is buggy, given the fact of how popular its become people like this complain because they fail to understand this dayz is free if he wants value for his money he can go play arma II untill dayz is less buggy since thats he has paid for.
i didnt say hacking was part of the game what i said was "ITS ALL PART OF GETTING THE GAME TECHNICALLY SOUND" meaning people report bugs glitches hackers abusing things then they get fixed if they are not known about how will they be fixed its the community helping it along
i agree, hackers and exploits should be reported but he did more than just complain about hackers, he basically said "this is a shit game i can believe i paid for it" when its not a game its a mod in alpha stages.
i bought arma II combined ops just for dayz initially and glad i did i also got to play some arma and tbh its pretty good, a decent game on a decent engine.
dude stop getting so worked up about it you were just very unlucky it doesnt happen very often at all, you are either extremely over reacting , or just trying to generate negative reputation like an idiot troll.
so i was on a uk server gb #500 ... mutiny or something anyway i stole a bus from a camp then admin closes server and makes private to get the bus back along with my stuff thats in it, this is not acceptable, saved vehicles should travel with the player over servers that last saved them and be removed from map when player disconnects
theres several servers named gb #500
how can one do that when im just playing and they randomly shut server and make i private do i have to record every game i play eating up my fps? its a problem that needs to be fixed
almost a full mag so that when you play again its becomes a full mag again not wasting it :)
so flamers and trolls i found a list of "poker hands" that might interest you for reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_logical_fallacies#Informal_fallacies
its inaccurate still to say he paid money for dayz when what he bought was actually arma II and arma II OA theres much gaming value in those 2 games the money he paid got him those 2 games and that is what he actually paid money for the same as the people who like and bought the 2 games to play just arma, just because he wanted dayz and was bad at it and threw his toys out his pushchair, doesnt mean he didnt get his proper value for money. and maybe if he played arma II and got familiar with the controls inventory etc he'd be more inclined to try and play dayz better