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Everything posted by EpicScout

  1. EpicScout

    Hatchet VS AK74

  2. He can certainly spell better than you though.
  3. So when I start six launcher the servers arent there, for example everything on six launcher will be there minus the servers (the side panel is there and the filters are there)
  4. EpicScout

    Alt F4 is it okay in this situation?

    I cant believe you used alt f4... you are a terrible person!
  5. So my friend is setting up a server and I want to help him out so how do you password protect a server?
  6. Wait then why have I seen password protected servers that have been up for awhile?
  7. So the title kind of says it all =p I had just fell off a roof because i'm a bawsss. Respawned in novy so started to head to stary and found a helicopter on the short quick way... so what should I do with the l82a2 aws I found from the downed helicopter?
  8. Good replys guys, making me laugh
  9. So ya I want an m24 and all I have to offer are those guns, I wont backstab you don't worry.
  10. Hey i'm 15 and looking for a survivor group to play with. I have been playing dayz for like 4 days but I'm not to much of a noob. I have a good mic. I'm located in Oregon state.
  11. EpicScout

    Trading m4a1 or m16a2 for a m24

    I got an m107 once when I was still a noob but died with it trying to raid stary :(
  12. I'm 15, is that old enough to join?
  13. EpicScout

    Help with aiming

    Ok so the problem is there is a ridiculously long delay between when I move my mouse and when my character moves his aim on the screen, is this part of the game that everyone is use to but i'm not? Is it my computer sucks? Or is there a way to fix it in option menu? Please help, not being able to aim is obviously a huge problem and it's ruining the game for me. Any help is appreciated, thank you!