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Peter p-q

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Everything posted by Peter p-q

  1. Peter p-q

    Vehicle Dupe??? HELP!

    there should be a option for maximum of selected vehicle in your mysql database turn the limit down, there you go
  2. Peter p-q

    What is inst in a helicopter?

    But... what exactly do they do?
  3. Peter p-q

    Base Building

    Maybe crafting walls out of chopped wood or something, maybe a other item you need like ropes or something
  4. Peter p-q

    NVG and AWS Weapon(S).

    1. Agree 2. Nah, AWS is just plain overpowered.
  5. Peter p-q

    Is this fps alright?

    Its a problem with ArmA2 because its programmed so poorly, i can play BF3 on ultra without any issues, but DayZ's Framerate sucks for me too
  6. Maybe the game didnt save the location of the vehicle for some reason, check the place where you last saved it.
  7. Haha you have my beans sir :D
  8. Normally the Vehicle keeps driving for a bit and then stops like it would when you eject. Probably someone else took it in the time you needed to reconnect.
  9. Peter p-q

    Maps & Gear

    you will keep you gear for chernarus
  10. Peter p-q

    Sinnloseste Mod ever

    Was hat in Klammern schreiben mit WoW zu tun? Erklär mir mal bitte den Zusammenhang. @Thema, schonmal mit schleichen probiert? Soll angeblich Wunder wirken.
  11. Peter p-q

    Sinnloseste Mod ever

    Und wer genau zwingt dich diese Mod zu spielen? Wenn dir die Mod nicht gefällt geh halt was anderes Spielen (Call of Duty sollte bei deiner Rechtschreibung zu dir passen) Viel Spaß.
  12. Peter p-q

    M107 or Beans?

    Give him the m107, let him take position on a tactical good spot and let him cover you and observ the towns you are going in.
  13. So I was thinking about putting a ATV or a Bike on/into the Ural for rescue missions or for faster scavanging. What do you think about this? Could this even be possible?
  14. Peter p-q

    Is the M14 AIM good?

    You made a very good decision in my opinion, this gun is a freakin beast, 2 maybe 3 hits in center mass for a kill.
  15. Peter p-q

    How Was Your First Life?

    Spawned near Electro, went to some houses to see if i can go in there. Found another Guy behind a house and tried to chat with him, whilst i was looking on how to chat he turned around and shot me. Lasted around 3-5 minutes maybe.
  16. Well actually the idea is not that bad, but it would be to much of a pain in the .... to find a new good server again, but maybe making your own corpse not lootable by yourself, that'd be ok.
  17. Peter p-q

    Guy logged before he died.

    Well thats just showing you that his virtual Dick has to be very small.
  18. Well it will run I believe, even though you should post you graphics too. Don't expect it to run super smooth though, it laggs for me sometimes and I've even got better specs then you.
  19. Peter p-q

    Love for the Winchester anyone? :D

    One of the best guns ingame IMO, plenty of Ammo, good for killing players, good for killing zeds and decent range.
  20. Peter p-q

    Server admins resetting vehicles?

    You're welcome :). In the current state of they aren't in I believe. I think one of the devs said that it was "beta testing" of the new patch.
  21. Peter p-q

    Server admins resetting vehicles?

    For this theres a program called "DayZ Commander" there you can put in filters for you server browsing. Theres a thread about that around here in the forum I believe. Edit: Here's the link to the "DayZ Commander"; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27604-download-dayz-commander-unofficial-six-launcher-alternative/
  22. Peter p-q

    Storing guns in a backpack?

    If you dont have enough room for the weapon in your backpack it will just dissapear I believe.