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About Nexagelion

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  1. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Hey, at least we get a game now and not a mod. Engine access and removing client side script execution will do so much to help. Bummed its not on a better optimized engine, but maybe they will do something about that. Trim the fat so to speak.
  2. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

  3. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Rocket in fact does NOT work for Bohemia. He did, and was under contract to them for a while when he was still military. But not currently employed by them. Listen to last weeks RoosterTeeth Podcast where he states this himself. The last half hour or so of it is an interview with the RT guys, Rocket, and Matt Lightfoot. http://roosterteeth.com/podcast/episode.php?id=176
  4. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    This. My final thoughts on this matter: I know that I have said I would love to see, and would prefer to see a CE3 version of this game. However, I do realize that that is unlikely. Rocket and Day Z will most likely stay with Bohemia. If Bohemia is the developer and publisher, then game assets currently used can continue to be used along with the source code access Rocket needs to really get the dev of this underway. The flipside of that same coin is that if its staying on the RV engine and NOT staying with BIS, then the engine, assets, models, etc, etc would all have to be licensed, as I dont think that BIS is just going to give them to him. Im, OK with it staying on the RV platform. Would I prefer CE as an engine? Yes. From what Ive seen would I mind it on Unreal? Nope. Base engine code access will really give Rocket the ability to make this game what he wants it to be, AND take care of the issues that I currently have with it, regardless of what engine is running it. I still wish RV was better optimized though. /thread
  5. Nexagelion


    ust happen on US 1333 as well.
  6. Nexagelion

    Thunderdom crap

    This just happened on one of my server. Message after teleporting is "Welcome to the Thunderdome; Find a weapon and kill everyone; thisgamesucks.net" This hacking is shit dev team. Fix it. Like yesterday. I currently pay $130 a month to have two servers so that my friends and I can always have a place to play and make sure that there are plenty of servers around for people to play on. FIX IT or give admins the ability to do something about it please.
  7. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    You do realize that unless Bohemia is the "developer" in a full Day Z release, Rocket will have to license the use of Chenarus AS WELL AS the engine. That map doesnt come with the engine. And engine is an engine. The Chenarus map is IP of Bohemia. Going standalone means getting permission to use that map, OR building a new one.
  8. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    *sigh* People fail at understanding so much. I never said a thing about the engine in that post. All I said is that that user clearly didnt read the rest of the thread or follow Day Z dev at all. The post I replied to clearly implies they think that Day Z is staying a mod, and as such how is it possible that CE3 could even be used. The person didnt understand the thread at all or the fact that it is going standalone. Rocket will prob stay with the RV engine. Im OK with this even though I would personally like to see it on CE3. Do you think that when the game goes standalone they wont seriously change the base code of the engine? Of course they will. Currently they dont have that access. Day Z will have a slightly different feel when standalone even if on RV2/3 as a result of those chances.
  9. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Did you read any of the rest of the thread or follow the development of Day Z at all? Day Z is going standalone. Its going to happen. Rocket has said so multiple times.
  10. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Let me say this differently then, Day Z is the only thing I have framerate issues with. Everything else runs amazingly. Beyond amazing. Its just this game. Ive even gone through all the settings and forums to make sure that my gfx settings are all set to be the best they can and just crap. Also, do you run the 3D Resolution at 1920x1080 or the standard lower default even if you choose the high/very high preset? There are two, resolution and 3d resolution. Because if I run it at the preset default, I get 65-80fps.
  11. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    So then, what about my i5-2500k @ 4.4Ghz, GTX 670 FTW, 8GB RAM that gets exact same FPS when running 1920x1080 settings maxed?
  12. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Uhh what? This thread has nothing to do with making a Day Z mod for Crysis2. Its about making Day Z standalone on CryEngine3. Big difference. Which Rocket has already said he is going to do. Its either stay with the RV3 (current) if he does or move to another engine. RV4, UDK, and CE3 are all possibilities.
  13. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Beans, sir. You can have them.
  14. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Sooo... CryEngine3 then? CE3 is really only super demanding on the Ultra/Extreme preset. If playing on medium/high most gaming based computers can run it just fine.
  15. Nexagelion

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    CryTek only takes 20% so how is that better from a financial standpoint?