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Everything posted by tokyofist

  1. tokyofist

    Is the M14 AIM good?

    My fave gun. But shooting it is an invitation for a zombie party. :)
  2. tokyofist

    Number of tents

    Hey guys, Can you have more than one tent on a server? I have recently acquired an extra one but wonder if it will make my first one unstable if I put down a second one. My tent has been on the go for a couple of days now without losing any items during restarts so I'm keen not to spoil it, but also keen to have a secondary camp in case my first is found. Can anyone help? Cheers
  3. tokyofist

    Number of tents

    Well I guess we just have to accept that the game is still being tested/developed. But I may cry myself to sleep at all the wonderful loot I'd scavenged over the last week. [sobs] lol
  4. tokyofist

    Number of tents

    So I planted 2 additional tents yesterday.... My original was heavily stocked with goodies... a couple of spare aks... tonnes of food etc. The newer 2 i was just starting to fill as backups. Came on today... and all three of my tents are gone!!! :/ Guess I have to start again. Are vehicles more stable as storage points? Obviously they are considerably harder to come by.
  5. tokyofist

    Number of tents

    haha very good. Every time I've logged on and the tent is still there and not looted I'm a little surprised. thanks for the advice guys. Operation base camp#2 commence
  6. tokyofist

    Playing solo is problematic

    I really enjoy solo play. Been alive for around 3 weeks now. I raid deer stands and supermarkets regularly. I've raided North West Airfield twice (more stupid than brave) finding a gps which has been invaluable. I live off the land where possible, Killing animals and refilling my water bottle. I found 2 tents today so have made 2 separate camps to store and stockpile spare loot, food and any medical supplies I stumble across. I am forever alone :) but really enjoy the suspense and tension that trying to survive in this game brings. Solo FTW
  7. Visual suggestions... Hair Growth I thought it might be cool to have the characters hair grow in game so you could tell how long a character had been in game by how long their hair was or how bushy a beard they had. 0-10 survival = normal 11-20 survival = stubble growth 21-30 survival = small beard and increased hair length 31-50 survival = bigger beard and longer hair 51+ = long hobo hair and mad bushy beard Weight Inspired by GTA... "With regards to weight... if someone eats plenty... never repeatedly goes into the flashing red hunger icon... then they should maintain their weight or even put on weight. But if somebody is constantly going through prolonged periods of hunger then the character should become thinner. I understand that there is minimal practical usage for these suggestions... i just thought it might be novel... survivors with big bushy beards and long hair roaming the map... hey maybe you will have the option of shaving using your survival knife. Or perhaps you might be more inclined to kill a fat survivor as you think he has been hoarding all the food or doing too well for themself!! :D
  8. tokyofist

    Hair growth and weight change in game

    Awwww maan! :/ Little slow with my idea. lol I just googled about a bit to find the image.. so for everyone elses benefit. http://imgur.com/wmEkW