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About DenDani

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DenDani

    banned from us 913

    euhm i have nothing to do with this but i also singed up for the beta from planetside 2 and if you go to the site from planetside 2 you can see that it says : "Beta hasn't started yet, but we'll let you know when you're granted access via the email address provided during sign-up" so how can you be testing the planetside beta ? I can be wrong but i and some firends can't play the beta ...
  2. yep same prob kinda sucks evrytime i can play for a hour or two DayZ is fked up ...
  3. DenDani

    Lost weaponck

    yeah i read that thread but my friends joined the same server but nothing happend with them and we played further on the server for like 2 or three hours and yeah i'm busy finding another one but got no luck :'( found like 3 AKM's 2 M4a3 CCO's a m24 and a cz550 but no DMR :(
  4. DenDani

    Lost weaponck

    Hello , so with the update a updated and played the game what made me lose all my stuff so me and my friends where looking for and awnser and found one on reddit : respawn abort and join another server it did work for me got my m4a1 Cco back and my DMR in my alice pack so the 1.7.3 update came out i updated and wanted to play so me and my friend went playing all 3 had no probs but when i spawned on the sever i spanwed in the wilderness without any of my items nothing not even starting gear. so i just left the seerver and joined another one and then i spawned back with all of my items exept for my DMr witch was in my alice pack i had my 4 maggs for the DMR still but the DMR was gone and i spawned in tree valley where did my weapon go and why did i spawn in wilderness and tree valley ? (sorryfor my broken englisch i'm dutch and can talk basic english) regards, DenDani