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About RedRobin

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  1. Hope You guys enjoy. Mod: No idea how posting every few days is spam but sorry? Not sure what to tell ya. :/
  2. RedRobin

    Helicopter on DE5524

    Hacks bro
  3. RedRobin

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

  4. RedRobin

    Unable to join _any_ servers?

    What are you using to play Dayz??? Use Dayzcommander or Sixlauncher
  5. RedRobin

    Battleye initialization failed - Fix?

    For every one concerned about six launcher not working properly and looking to play.......... Go do your self the favor and download Dayzcommander....... It is the best program you could possibly get. It tells you everything you need to know like the ingame time, amount of players playing, server version and many other great features............ Dayzcommander.com
  6. Servers update....... Just wait till that happens. + All servers (except private servers and hives) share the same profile. So if you have amazing gear on one server you will have it on ALL servers.
  7. RedRobin

    Wait For Host

    This video should solve most of your problems. Keep in mind for a FLAWLESS update and usage of finding servers for you please download DayzCommander. This program is MUCH easier to use and I recommend it to any one looking to have the best gaming experience. Dayzcommander.com
  8. RedRobin

    Loading/Waiting fix

    For those of you that have not got it to work my video should clear some problems up. Additional note- Installing dayzCommander is a much better option than the very confusing Six updater/Launcher. DayzCommander.com it is 100000 times better
  9. RedRobin

    My Strange Encounter w/ a Hacker.

    Holy shit.............. best story i have seen all DAY :D If you find him again LET ME KNOW! :D
  10. RedRobin

    Stuck on loading

    This video should help you with your problems :)
  11. RedRobin

    Six Updater Crashing

    Download DayzCommander from Dayzommander.com This video should help you with your problems :)
  12. RedRobin

    Wrong version? Please help!

    This video should help you with your problems :)
  13. RedRobin

    Crashing ect. - cannot play

    This video should help you with your problems :)