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Everything posted by theolodis

  1. theolodis

    R.I.P. US 790 (Gangrene)

    Just run your server with everything off... These Hackers seem to be n00bs, I've seen them only once on a server with 3rd P and crosshair off ^^
  2. theolodis

    new EU server

    Oh and one thing, I have seen it has 3rd Person on... do you really play 3rd person? :)
  3. theolodis

    new EU server

    I'll give it a try once I got some time :) But why not hosting a mumble server? It's free and you can host it on the server you are already running! http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ Just an advice ;)
  4. Playing on a closed server can't be called gameplay... all it can be called is lame.
  5. theolodis

    Having a hard time as a new player? Check here :)

    And if the Server you were about to join was laggy? For new Players not habituated to the keys of Arma and the way things work here what kills their fun is getting shot five times in a row.
  6. theolodis

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    AWESOME :D everything working well for me and i found my first camo :D
  7. theolodis


    Hay, what helped me alot was to set down the 3d resolution thing in the advanced video settings!