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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So you didnt really kill him but looted his body for the mp5? seems about right..
  2. Changelog sounds amazing and in the time i spent on random servers i did not experience more bugs than usual. But since the update i can not play on my usual server which kinda sucks
  3. Got a MSI 560Ti but the artifacts are quite rare since
  4. people like you are the cancer of this mod
  5. IF, and only if, i'd be a sniper i'd propably hold on to my L85 for spotting 'n stuff..
  6. Well, i got both weapons but i'm using the M4 SD as my primary because like you i am playing alone due to quitting friends. Never fired a single shot of my L85 but i just can't drop it :blush: if you're playing alone and aren't hunting down survivors i guess the m4 sd would be more suitable for you. If this is not the case definitely the L85
  7. Nothing. Never killed a guy (only 1 bandit camping in one of the barracks at the NWAF)
  8. Nice tips too bad i already know them. I'm playing in 3rd person but this has nothing to do with peeking around corners and stuff i just prefer the 3rd person perspective because i like to see my charakter. It doesn't really give me any advances because i'm not killing players.
  9. open inventory, rightclick on the tent, mouseover pitch tent, while that move forward and press pitch tent. works just fine for me
  10. I know that feeling bro.. I just repaired an Offroad Pickup-Truck on DE 300 and now the server's offline for 2 days straight. I'd really like to help you with your question but no one can tell me anything
  11. So you want to play a zombiemod without zombies. Cause fuck logic!
  12. You might want to try hitting the animals with it. That should fix your problem
  13. Im currently looking for any information about DE 300. I'm a regular player on this server and my camp and vehicles are there. But for two days now the server is unavailable so it would be great if anyone in this forum could tell me the status of this server.
  14. been playing for about 2 months now and never met a single hacker. kkthxbye
  15. Found a bus, ghillie suit, m4a1 CCO SD, M107, NVG and a rangefinder in a camp i stumpled upon
  16. Thought of that myself but more like a NPC controlled city or sth like that. +1
  17. usually i'm with 3 to 4 other guys as well but it seems that every time i would need that backup i'm playing alone
  18. same problem with me.. somehow died while climbing over the bench in one of the barrackts at the nwaf, respawned and now im laying somewhere outside of Solnichniy with a broken leg and 2500 blood
  19. until.. well one hour ago i managed to get 400 zombiekills while having killed not a single player. the ones i saw i just left alone or if they needed help i helped them.. but then i got sniped. what i'm trying to say is that there are friendly players but the majority of them is just not on the coast but deep inside the islands so they don't meet bandits. or at least thats what i'm doing after looting elektro/cherno
  20. i was busy looting elektro when i spotted a survivor crawling through a house. as i went after him i realized he had a broken leg and offered my help if and only if he would put the weapon he had into his backpack. but as he said he only had the coyote backpack and wasn't able of doing so, so i told him i would help him anyways if he would not turn around to me but look in the other direction... he agreed and i went forward to help him. as i wanted to leave the house backwards he turned around looked at me with his lee enfield in his hands so i shot him screaming "i told you to not turn around!". he went unconscious and i went the hell out of elektro.. since then i got some sort of trust issues i guess :(
  21. i said reinstall the mod ;) HMS is right, are you able of starting arma 2 (oa) itself or aren't they working as well? if so i would reinstall the entire game if the do work mod only
  22. i started playing alone and with nothing but my painkillers and bandages. the first few spawns i was completely lost and died after a couple of minutes but now as i am more experienced it is no problem at all. my point is: the begining will be aweful and frustrating but everybody should learn it after a couple of spawns
  23. felix_kruettner@web.de

    The hatchet

    You can store your weapon BUT be aware that it will take 10 slots in your backpack and if the required 10 slots are not available some random stuff will be deleted. oh and the ammunition will automatically be put in your backpack as well