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About d.n.M.

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  1. d.n.M.

    Chat doesn't work. I cannot communicate,

    You have to select direct communication and you have to be very close, like 40m, for it to work.
  2. One of our guys marked our camp (lots of tents, cars...) on the map thinking it was just a local marker for him :D
  3. d.n.M.

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I have to say that encounters with DCers have decreased. More guys seem to man up.
  4. The question originated from this Thread where I also posted the solution. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=14992 If you have this type of graphic bugs Go to you Catalyst Control Center. 3D Options: set everything to default or application control You should be fine. @ Lycanthropian I hope you don't mind i borrowed your screenshot. I blurred your name and guid to protect your privacy.
  5. d.n.M.


    go into catalst control center (dekstop right click) there should be something like 3d settings or game settings set everything to default or application control I can't tell you the exact steps as i do not have an ATI equipped machine at hand right now.
  6. d.n.M.

    Global Chat broken

    That is the point. You can talk to them when you are close though (direct com).
  7. d.n.M.


    This is a setting in your catalyst control center. Revert them all to standard or application controlled. I had the same issues.
  8. d.n.M.

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    I believe its the Arma Beta Patch and not DayZ. Now with it required all the ppl had to install it and are getting low fps. I've been having these low fps issues for some days, always playing with the latest beta patch. Dayz is using all 4 cores but 50-60% load tops. GPU is hardly reaching 30% load.
  9. YES but let people spawn on the whole cost (berenzino etc)
  10. d.n.M.

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    absolutely fantastic! Zeds not attacking trough walls, thats awesome!
  11. Well, no! There is a shortage of servers. The demand is greater than the slots available. Reserved Slots mean (in your example) 5 less slots for general players to play on. If the clan is not playing 5 slots are wasted. There is a long line of server owners waiting to get their servers online for dayz. If somebody is not happy with the current rules the next owner will happily take that spot. In the future this might get an option, for the time being it is not.
  12. d.n.M.

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    It seems you have not understood DayZ. It is not about killing all the Zeds, it's about surviving. If you don't have the ammo or a silenced weapon, don't engage or aggro Zeds where there is a risk of aggroing a full horde. This takes some patience but can easily be done. You can get in any barn, any building and any city without being spotted by zombies if you are patient and pick your path wisely. I do agree though, that sometimes the glitches force you to disconnect. I was in a military barack hiding in the shower :D because I wanted to avoid the confrontation with another player. He saw me anyways and instantly started to fire. I killed him aggroing the Zeds in the same moment. The started to hit me through the walls. I had enough ammo and could easily have killed them all, if they would have come through the door.
  13. with so many servers and admins, there will always be some bad apples