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About ecksdee

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  1. I noticed he removed his steam images so I took the liberty of taking some myself.
  2. Wonder why he aint applying that knowledge to something productive instead.
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041079311/screenshots/?appid=221100 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041079311 http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1250139&p=43312862&viewfull=1#post43312862 According to what he said IIRC he got the game from another guy in exchange for making cheats for it. Literally MAKING them.
  4. Could I rewrite your post and correct the grammatical errors in it? It's nothing personal, just I don't like reading stuff like that.
  5. ecksdee

    Guarding your bass with a mine

    While it would be an interesting idea somewhere else, I think at this point mines like what you said would take from the game rather than add to it. If they're too rare then people won't be too cautious and will be pissed when they blow up, aka frustration. If they're relatively easy to come by then you'd need to crawl/crouchwalk everywhere, which would drop the rhythm of the game to something that I, personally, wouldn't play.
  6. ecksdee

    Anesthetics and tranquilizers

    Good idea right here. I'd definitely rather tranquilize a guy I want to get past than risk getting killed by opening fire/asking if friendly.
  7. Because having a dog/hawk companion would be fucking incredible. I back this idea 100%, and Rocket himself said that there may be dog companions later on. fuck the more I think about this the more I want it.
  8. ecksdee

    Abaut squad alt f4

    "Fuck I've been shot, let me take cover and bandage myself." "Right, bandaging done, that's taken long enough for me to log out" It'll reduce the amount of loggers by a little, but it most definitely won't eliminate the problem.
  9. ecksdee

    A case against random weapons/loot

    While I do enjoy the game in its current state, running around looking for helicopter sites in the hopes that something would be there, I think sitting on the egg, so to speak, would be more beneficial to gameplay. Players taking a defensive position in an area with good loot would encounter more players who also want the same shit, which opens the door to either negotiations or gunfights. I'm guessing this boils down to what kind of a game you want from Dayz. Do you want wandering survival, hoping you find good loot to help you survive, or do you want to dig in somewhere, talk to other players and actually make deals with them for shit instead of them shooting you instantly.
  10. ecksdee

    A case against random weapons/loot

    I entered this thread with a smirk on my face, thinking "The fuck is this lunatic thinking" After reading I now support your idea wholeheartedly. Though maybe a simple addition could be made. Have spots/areas where certain items will definitely spawn over X amount of time, but make it so the more players a server has, the more likely it is for an object to spawn there. This is so people can't just do a run through an empty server and get all the gear they want, then go to a more populous one. Also, maybe non-spawn zones should be added, like the immediate area around the NW airfield. Good post man, good post.