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About Stuckhead

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    On the Coast
  1. There are people who deserve to have a server, and those who don't, these guys are an example of the ladder.
  2. They did the same to us after we jumped them. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/39794-us-00-hosted-by-mob-we-stalked-them-into-krasnostav-then/
  3. Followed them to the grocery store, stalked them until they ran out the back door, there were 3 of us and 4 of them, we took one out with gunfire and another with a granade, as soon as we killed 2 out of 4 they kicked everyone from the server and locked it. After doing some research they have done it multipule times to different groups, what a bunch of cowards exploting the game. They don't deserve a server. Previous threads. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37895-us-00-hosted-by-mob-reporting-admin-abuse/
  4. http://youtu.be/TehB2XhFDxc
  5. Stuckhead

    New Clan Recruiting!

    1)In game name: Stuckhead 2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): I have skype but i'm not posting my name publicly, http://steamcommunity.com/id/backyardbobby I also have vent but I use a few depending on which friends i'm playign with, PM me your vent and I'll join. 3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 25 4)Game time: Throughout the day, I was hit by a car recently and won't be back at work for another couple weeks until I heal up. 5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Been playing games my whole life. FPS mainly... started from doom, counterstrike, half life, portal, left 4 dead, cod games, battlefield games, team fortress 2, etc. both casually and competitively. 6)Time Zone: PST but I play early to late night. I'll be checking steam throughout the day if you want to add me and we can play together. I'm on right now.