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nighty (DayZ)

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Everything posted by nighty (DayZ)

  1. nighty (DayZ)

    Scroll wheel problem

    same issue here using a gigabyte gm-m6880 rev 2.0
  2. nighty (DayZ)

    Randon Freezeing!

    same issue here.
  3. so I am a legit player on dayz, was playn fine all night, always keeping everything up to date I went to play it just now and it popped up global ban wtf i dont no y this is bs I dont have any type of hack, FUCK B/E they can suck my fat dick this is bs i shuldnt have to pay 30bux for a scrub game that bans me for no reason at all, Im not the only 1 its happened to i know that for a fact a few mates got banned throughout the game on anz1
  4. nighty (DayZ)

    global ban for (well i dont know)

    13 u rekon mate, haha mate ill give you my address so u can come have a look at my pc mate, dont reply to it if you are gunna type shit. and i posted it here because i dont know where else to reply.
  5. nighty (DayZ)

    How to fix D/Cers. For real.

    It is a good idea however I usually have to disconnect alot as I am a new father, so in doing something like this would jeprodise my position and my equipment, don't get me wrong guys I absoloutly hate people disconnecting, but maybe instead of something like that^^^, why not only have maybe a max of 3dc's every hour maybe I dunno. thought I would throw in my 5cents worth.
  6. nighty (DayZ)

    BattlEye Failed To Initialize

    im lost boys im getting into the loading screen where the tanks and shiz are, the i get a message saying battle eye initilization failed. can somebody give me a step by step guide to fixing this issue please. it has only just started since the latest patch as at (18-jul-2012). cheers