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Naein (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Naein (DayZ)

  1. lol afro american? before you start the game theres a profile button im not sure if its in options or not but once you go into it, theres your name, press edit and one of the options along with changing your glasses and your voice there are multiple skins, its quite a long list so you would have to go through them all to find your 'afro americans' :P

    Edit: also i dont think females have any different skins atm its just the one blonde white chick so ur stuck with that one, just males can change

  2. sometimes they are a pain in the ass to do, but look around the ladder if looking directly at it doesnt show a green up arrow/down arrow, most of the time on a roof i have to look at the ground before i see one, and middle click if you didnt already know

  3. found one yes, got to test on a whopping one zombie before i got shot by someone lol, but indeed they work they lie flat on the ground, EASILY concealable in short grass, just remember where it is because you will lose your legs otherwise

    Edit: might as well say location too, found it in a two story barn

  4. backpacks can hold weapons but you need enough slots, a primary weapon takes 10 a secondary takes 5, if you try to put it in without enough slots it will dissapear on you sadly, had it happen to me a couple times.

    a winchester is just as good and any weapon imo, well except for the range.
