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Vidx2 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Vidx2 (DayZ)

  1. Today after my friend was trying to repair a chopper for about strait days now, he has finnaly made it. We go in, fix it up, start to refuel it. But as soon as i am finished, some guy joins the server, but DC before i manage to talk to him/shoot him. We both paniced, jumped in and flown away. But we came back, because we forgot a friend behind. When we land we figure that he is still on the server, and that he brought a friend with him(see the clan names). We try to get to our base to take some stuff than run! Me and the friend who repaired both get killed, WITHOUT HACKS, but the 3rd friends kills them both and we escape. We have flew for about 15-20min, when we decide to check out if there is a boat there. When i suddenly DC and they both say that they died. We figured that that was the hackers foult, and said that we would die together. So reconnect, unload a full magazine into the guy running to our chopper, then he ports and i die. And the chopper dissapered as well. TL;DR: Finally got a chopper, got in a big gun fight, win, escape with our chopper, then get killed by hackers. SERVER:DE 1176 TIME: 9:40 GMT+1 WHAT HAPPENED: EXPLAINED ABOVE ^ I will add a proof of the server players at that moment, and we are 99% sure that it was that guys. and i did not post this cuz my mom forced me to... :D EDIT:In the pic. THE red incircled are the guys responsible, and the green circled are us. Pic:http://imgur.com/bWpRx
  2. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Turn off dropping items while swimming :/

    any servers that don't drop your shit while swimming? names pls!
  3. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Swimming, Lost all my shit..

    Anyone know any servers that don't drop you shit in the watter?
  4. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Looking for a bandit clan of non cheaters

    And you are the reason, why I get frustrated. I atleast hope that you say that you aren't frendly if you meet somebody. But if you say you are frendly and then kill them, Fuck you.
  5. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Hacker in NL40

    There is a hacker right now in the server NL40. He is killing everybody and actually has terrible aim. If you check the player history, and the player with the most kills at this time. He killed everybody (i think), and when i startet to flame the asshole, he teleported to me, failed to shoot me in 40 shots, but eventually killed me. My friend and me lost shitload of gear, and a wan + 3 bikes. If you are reading this FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! I hope he gets cought, and ip banned or something. I hate this!
  6. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Hacker in NL40

    Yea didn't see it, that's the sad part. If i had seen it the title would say *enterhackernamehere* Hacks and has killed me....
  7. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Tent space indicator

    You have my beans!
  8. Vidx2 (DayZ)

    Why do i have 2 different characters.

    If you die with this new character, you should end up with the old character. Worked for me!
  9. Yea, i lost my character too. gave up, went again, looted, but got killed. When i tryed to respawn i got to the old me. YAY
  10. Same happened here. Tried 10 diffirent servers, then gave up, and started playing the new one. Went AFK, got disconnected, tryed logging into another server and poof, my stuff was back, at my original location. I hope it's not just temporary. :|