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Everything posted by Sickerthansars

  1. Sickerthansars

    What do a mute person do?

    I rarely have issues using text to communicate I hardly ever use voice since it gives away your location when doing so.
  2. Sickerthansars

    2 years on and nothing has changed

    it was never an alpha 2 years ago, all the mod was was a proof of concept proving that if you made a survival crafting multiplayer game people would buy it thats really all the mod was they even established later the mod would be more like an early stage testing ground basically pre-experimental but it was never an "alpha" of anything. The "its been two years" crowd is almost as bad as the "3pp puts everyone on equal footing crowd" At first I wasn't sure if it was just trolling but as time wears on Im starting to be convinced its more of the "just stupid" category for both groups. the SA has gone backwards from the mod...yeah no....maybe when you count for some of the mods of the mod like epoch etc but the SA is leaps and bounds ahead of what the mod itself was. Better medical system, no more blood bagging yourself. More than a handful of lootable buildings per city/town some towns werent even worth going to at all in the mod unless you got lost now everywhere has at least some potential value, better item management its still not great but it is better than the mod especially at launch. There are a lot of bad things about the alpha, but its an alpha thats why there's the huge ass warning text before you buy the game
  3. Sickerthansars

    "NO PvE servers" says the rules.

    Why would you even buy dayz if you wanted to pve.....
  4. Sickerthansars

    >Enter hardcore server

    The same idiots claiming HC has more mature players are the same ones who think playing in 1pv makes them elite players why would you listen to them
  5. Sickerthansars

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    So again to reiterate. 3pp is not an equal/balanced game mode, just because everyone has 3pp view does nothing to level the playing field. 1p itself doesn't make the game hc, or make you elite for playing on it, it does however make the game equal for everyone playing on the server there are other features planned for hc if i recall correctly which will make it more difficult. both 3pp and 1p have roughly the same amount of mature/immature players per server neither viewpoint is perfect both have flaws the "i like looking at my character" thing is silly, just hit tab if you want to play dress up problem solved the arma engine is very clunky, but its just as bad in both viewpoints Since 3pp gives an unfair advantage to some players and not all they should just remove it already, yes there will be a week or two worth of tears and whining but most of those same schmucks will keep playing the game anyway, they already cry/whine about everything else and play anyway /thread thanks for playing
  6. Sickerthansars

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    i had this too, after forcing yourself to play hc for a week it goes away.
  7. Sickerthansars

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Seeing as you cant hide entirely in a pine tree to ambush someone in 1pp, or you yourself cant see out of the tree, while your position is concealed you're still visible to the other player. In 3pp there are situations where you can not under any circumstance aside from hacking see someone using the 3pp viewpoint to see you. There's still a huge difference between being virtually invisible (1pp) and actually inivisible to other players (3pp) For the simple minded ones 1pp It may be very difficult to see you if I am not paying close attention, but fact remains If you can see me I can still see you and I may actually get the jump on you instead if you happened to not spot me first. 3pp it is impossible for me to see you regardless of how meticulous I may be I will never have the opportunity to spot you until you're shooting me in the back. Notice the difference? In 1pp while it is possible for one player to get an advantage tactically over the other,the opportunity to level the playing field still exists even if the chances are low they are still there. In 3pp there is no possible way whatsoever for you to do anything about it besides hit the respawn button. You're grasping at straws now, the fact remains 3pp is not equal while 1pp is. The lengths you're going to to try and justify 3pp as being equal are getting kind of embarrassing to be honest, im starting to get the "not sure if trolling or just"...well you know the rest about you "3pp is equal" types.
  8. Sickerthansars

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    It is a bit annoying the whole "everyone is equal on 3pp" when they aren't, especially since its wrong. If I am laying prone in the upstairs building of a home against the wall in 3pp spinning my camera around I can see you approach from inside while being completely invisible to you and wait until you pass me to either run away or shoot you in the back. 3pp gives extreme advantage to people camping. Whereas in a 1pp viewpoint I would have to actually be at the window looking out it to see you, giving you the opportunity to see me if you were observant. That is equal footing, there is nothing equal about 3pp, so please stop trying to make the idiotic argument that it is. On the same side the argument that 1pp "has less idiots" is also false, There are just as many people KOS'ing/people spamming direct chat with nonsense etc on HC servers as their are on normals. Why some HC players have a sense of elitism for playing forced 1pp is beyond me, maybe they are trying to compensate for other shortcomings elsewhere or something. That said, given that 3pp does give an ingame competitive advantage to some players and not others it should be removed and 1pp should be the only viewpoint mode for the game.
  9. Sickerthansars

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Shame HC does absolutely nothing to make the game more mil sim than normal. IIRC HC will eventually have harsher weather effetcs, no hiding bodies until restars along with some other features. That and of course you can't use the 3pp view to exploit and look around corners,walls etc.
  10. a chest holster under the jacket like a down jacket anyway would be useless and you'd just get killed trying to draw it
  11. Sickerthansars

    Rocket, We love you.

    TLDR: if you dont agree with me you're a blind fanboy
  12. Sickerthansars

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Would be nice if he actually confirmed this or not
  13. Sickerthansars

    Another big NEAF catch, 2 glitchers down :)

    Should be allowed to publicly name/shame folks when you have such conclusive proof of them cheating
  14. Sickerthansars

    Solution to children crying game ez too easy.

    Or it could be because of the huge text on the store page that's also in my sig, the game isn't finished yet. There are lots of other features being added to the game and tested before worrying about zombies etc.All crying about the game being too easy, buggy, etc etc shows is a lack of even the most basic level of reading comprehension.
  15. Sickerthansars

    Why are you against many military items in game?

    Given that chenarus is a post soviet state, and the only western presence would have been from the UN/US it is a certainty the m4s in game would be military issue, that and its listed as being the m4a1 which is the fully automatic version of the m4, again a military spec.
  16. Sickerthansars

    Why are you against many military items in game?

    given the fact that the military obviously failed to conatin the zombie outbreak, and camps etc got overrun by zombies, you really think the soldiers left alive would take time to pick everything up and move it? The m4 is a military grade weapon, just because civilian variants exist, the one ingame is not a civilian variant. The m4 is also a very high maintenance firearm. If dayz is a decent amount of time after the intial outbreak the wear on such weapons from simply being exposed to the elements would make them useless to a large poriton of the population who dont have a clue about how to clean or even disassemble a rifle. There would be no google/internet search to look such things up.
  17. Sickerthansars

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    can we please have a kos subforum
  18. Sickerthansars

    admin abuse or hack

    Vybor>>>>>>elektro for pvp
  19. Sickerthansars

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    too be honest a huge pic of cheese was totally ontopic for that much whine...=X
  20. Just be thankful the dayz forums wont allow me to include a waist down photo of my avatar, then you would really hate me.
  21. I have yet to die to player contact and I regularly rob people /live around vybor. You could sit in the treelines around NWAF, Vybor, Pustoshka, these are all extremely high traffic areas with players that will actually shoot back at you if you miss. You shoot at bambis because you are bad, you're making an excuse to grief freshspawns, a lot of which probably have never played the game/mod before. I just enjoy the fact you think shooting bambis is actually going to improve your ability at the game, you're already bad, you're practicing bad, you're going to stay bad. The coast is just the place for you.
  22. Sickerthansars

    Why are you against many military items in game?

    iirc wasnt dayz starting period supposed to be some time after the actual outbreak anyway. Yes at first things like food, weapons etc would be fairly easy to find, but after even a month or so a lot of things apart from clothing arent going to be operable after being left in the field with no maintenance. Try leaving an m4 out in the dirt for a week even and then getting it to work, you'll misfire all day and die trying to clear a jam even after you cleaned it. Dayz is supposed to be a survival sim, not a mil sim. The mod was built on a mil sim and thus had a lot of military grade equipment/weapons. The SA is just that a standalone
  23. Im a terrible shot so I shoot bambis this is arguably the dumbest excuse for greifing ive ever seen
  24. Sickerthansars

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    its great camping the NWAF barracks with a squad just waiting to hear the spawn sound, kill them through the windows