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Everything posted by Sickerthansars

  1. iirc adding cannibalism would/will get the game banned in several countries
  2. Sickerthansars


    Choppers shouldn't be in the game. Period. If the game has advanced to a point where vehicles etc are rusting and broken helos etc would be nearly impossible to repair/maintain at a flight worthy level Unless they can fix how everything (including people) stick out like sore thumbs from the air, they should leave helos out. Defeats the whole purpose of having camps when all it takes is a helo flying over yet somehow your camo tent under a pine tree sticks out, raiders parajump out and take everything while you're offline. And yes the underground caches you could build on some of the private hives/camo netting etc all stick out easily when flown over even at night time all it takes is tweaking your gamma/brightness While the whole backstory/particular skills etc is a cool idea, it would essentially turn dayz into an rpg game, and people would simply start min/maxing their "stats"
  3. @OP You can use disinfectant spray on bandaged before applying them, supposedly helps prevent sickness but not confirmed, you can also use it on foods etc to posion them should someone rob you they end up getting a nasty surprise. Charcoal tabs help if you get poisioned/eat bad food after eating rotten oranges got the "my mouth tastes funny" which is a sign your sick from eating bad food/water. Took the tabs and the status message went away. Supposedly you can make a improvised backpack with rope and burlap sack have never tested it the stove makes a nice light source if you're in a building away from people I read somewhere you needed a stone, wood, and matches to make a campfire I havent personally tested that either though but you will want to update your list regardless. If you've ever had to actually eat a charcoal tablet they are disgusting and make you feel miserable for a bit and a lot of antiboitcs make you "sick" since you know they do kill a lot of good bacteria etc in your body as well as the bad bugs that make you sick to begin with. It would make sense to get some sort of temporary "debuff" when using those items since they have for me anyway cured my other illness. IE getting shot and taking antibotics will get you a message "my wounds look cleaner" taking the charc tabs will get rid of the "my mouth tastes funny" sickness debuffs. Ive also had success eating charc tabs getting rid of the "sick" status after purposely ingesting alcohol/disinfectant
  4. Sickerthansars

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    I guess you missed the part where there's already things in the game that were never in the mod, and things in the mod that aren't in the game/going to be in the game. Sounds to me like you got too used to having your hand held on 100000 vehicle+weps/insta respawn private hives and are afraid of losing 3rd person more than anything. I guess you also missed the part where dayz is supposed to be the "anti-game" IE no hand holding/making things simple for people
  5. Sickerthansars

    Game as support / medic / hero... It's quite sad

    the only acceptable reason to KOS/let someone die is if they are wearing one of those payday masks
  6. Sickerthansars

    Best way to stop combat logging

    they alreayd have a mechanic that was used in the mod, after firing a weapon, being hit, or iirc even just shot at or being within certain proximity to a player/live zombie you either couldnt log out at all or log out within a certain time frame usually like 1min+ or so why people think they would implement one of the complex untested systems proposed on the fourms instead of carrying over this simple mechanic they already know works is beyond me
  7. Sickerthansars

    Ate antibiotics - have orange sick indicator.

    has anyone consumed the injection vial stuff yet? Know what it does? I took a syringe of it but I cant use it on anything
  8. Sickerthansars

    I found the solution to kos go east!

    i hope mods start locking/warning all these kos thread starters for spam...
  9. going back to bf4 as if this is an improvement? BF4 is cod with different maps
  10. Sickerthansars

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Kos has always been a "problem" the fact is its not going anywhere, you shouldn't be punished for it, game isn't meant to be played lone wolf, if you go with a group you're a lot less likely to get shot at unless its by another group. Its actually quite realistic, if society was to break down completely IE a zombie Apocalypse there would be plenty of nuts out there killing people just because they could actually get away with it. Stop making threads crying about it already, there's a general for this whining anyway.
  11. Sickerthansars

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    3rd person removed, finally
  12. Sickerthansars

    [WCO] Whiskey Company | Recruiting: Age 18+ Teamspeak3 Required |

    if you guys wear those goofy payday masks, you are dead
  13. Sickerthansars

    Random things

    So, was mucking about happened to "glitch" and look down a chimney this is what I saw.. anyone else have any weird crazy stuff they have seen? Rocket what is the meaning of evil santa in the chimney
  14. Sickerthansars

    Save Stary Sobor!

    Stary/Vybor/Novy all stay very busy due to either being an inland spawn, vybor and stary are both close to the northern military camp no reason to add more loot to stary, especially not miitary loot
  15. Sickerthansars

    While the robbery system is nice it won't work.

    Well most people dont agree with your point of view, maybe in 1 on 1 encounters but any half decent group of bandits you're not even going to go out in a blaze of glory you're just going to die. At least there is a chance you will survive being robbed
  16. Sickerthansars

    Zombies as a cure for KOS

    Guys Hey Guys Guys I think we need another KOS topic thread
  17. Sickerthansars

    New Update

    I hope you're joking, god forbid the devs want to spend time with their families on the holidays
  18. Sickerthansars

    DrinkZ is a more appropriate name

    If you actually sit and drink to full ie the green message on both it takes quite a bit before you are hungry/thirsty again protip oranges remove a little thirst and hunger also help with being sick
  19. Sickerthansars

    Server hopping is killing this game FAST

    No bug reports etc are how you get the message to devs on what is a big issue, im sure seeing as rocket has commented on it numerous times now that combat logging etc etc are all major concerns that the devs are aware its a big issue. Making new threads about it every five mins is nothing but spam
  20. Sickerthansars

    What makes a good Bandit?

    you obviously dont spend a lot of time in vybor
  21. Sickerthansars

    What makes a good Bandit?

    a good bandit doesn't even end up having to kill his victims, they dont work alone and they simply rob people. You dont normally have to fire a shot when you and a few friends tell a smaller group or lone individual to stop and surrender, especially when shouting from bushes along the road/windows of buildings etc
  22. Sickerthansars

    The map is NOT balanced right now.

    Im pretty sure Berzino still has a real hospital once server hopping is fixed balota/mil camp north of kemenka will be empty all the time,or just camped most people wont want to risk it.
  23. Sickerthansars

    Stay off the Road

    only people I KOS are the bums wearing those stupid masks
  24. IIRC in the mod there was a system where when a player spawned in loot would not spawn directly around them for quite some time, this coupled with a simply delay between joining a different server, key word being different. People should not be penalized for having their net go down.