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Posts posted by CMac

  1. I play Dayz a lot and always go looting. I can enter even the largest cities without being detected and looking for other skilled bandits to team up with. Lets admit, 2 heads are better than 1. Anyone who plays a bunch and is looking for a good partner to be watching your back let me know. My steam account is Cmachelski

  2. Thanks for spamming this thread to my reply (possibly?)' date=' im not complaining. I was trying to give my feedback about the situation atm regarding the zombie lvls, i did read that post and i understand there a repercussions for being in Alpha. You dont want community opinions and feedback?


    It is good to get feedback. But what is not good, is to get the same thing again and again when the situation is explained. Especially when the bug itself creates an interesting situation to study the mechanic.

    Yes, the patch unexpectedly created large numbers of zombies. Once I realized this, I immediately made an announcement.

    Really, I'm at my wit's end with people who continue to post the same stuff again and again. It prevents me and the others in the team from being able to read the real and relevant points and the important discussion. If people can see an issue has been highlighted, and the reasons for the situation explained, I would expect them not to say the exact same thing as the person above them.

    There have been extremely important contributions come from the forums. Telling me there are large numbers of zombies now spawning, is not one of them. I know, I saw for myself, and I made an announcement immediately. No we study what happens till the next patch.

    People feel that stating the same thing is casting their vote for that idea. People can provde feed back but be compeletly wrong and off from the genreral public opinion. What you should do is create a poll system. If people feel there are too many zombies, vote there are too many zombies. This will allow your crew to not read countless messages and be able to see the numbers easily. Just a thought.
