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Everything posted by penguindevourer

  1. penguindevourer


    They see you rollin', they hatin'. They caught you riding dirty.
  2. penguindevourer

    Survivor Base (In Development)

    We can post security as you finish up the fort. Just sayin'.
  3. penguindevourer

    So i found a G36C SD is this a legit?

    Apparently, you can't be banned for using hacked items, as long as you didn't spawn them in. Getting them of a dead body or off the ground is considered legit. Enjoy it.
  4. penguindevourer

    Survivor Base (In Development)

    Age - 17 How long have you been playing? - 3 weeks What is your reaction when you see other survivors, not knowing if they are friendly or bandits? - Observe with caution. What is your first instinct when you see another survivor? Take cover and observe. If I am shot at, I will return fire. Situation 1: You and a fellow survivor you have just met are searching a barn, you find the only can of food in the building and your fellow survivor is down the red on on his meter. You are at orange and the next local town is a few km's away. What do you do? - Give him the can, orange means I can still make it to the next town without losing too much blood. Situation 2: You are down to two clips of your 1911, your fellow survivor has a revolver and is currently out of ammo. Knowing you can convert the ammo of your 1911 to a revolver .45 clip, do you give that survivor your last mag or do you keep it for yourself? This would depend on the skill level of said survivor. If he is a new player, I would keep both clips as I know I would use them to dispatch zeds more efficiently, unless he insists on having a clip. With an experienced player, I would hand him one of the clips. I would like to help with the camp. I've gathered up some decent gear and quite frankly, I don't have anything else to keep me going.
  5. penguindevourer

    Who's Playing Guitar In Cherno?

    Song requests: [/url[/media]
  6. penguindevourer

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    >Looting quietly at the military tents at Stary Sobor >Hear shots, zombie aggro >Hear the screaming an unconscious character does when being attacked >Pull out my M9 SD, the only weapon I have ammunition for >Empty my clips into the zombies eating the survivor >Zombies are all dead >Attempt to bandage/ give transfusion >Flies buzz, survivor's dead >Pause to absorb what just happened >Get taken out by a DMR or M24 sniper while standing there. After being shot at/killed several times when I have attempted to help someone, I'm not sure I can follow the "helpful survivor" doctrine anymore. Kill on sight seems to be the rule of thumb now.