[email protected]
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Battleye Script Restriction #41
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
This works. Thanks and a big brofist. -
Here are some roughly translated names from the Chernarus map... Кабанино Kabanino Means: Wild Boar Горка Gorka Means: Hill Вышное Vishnoye Means: The highest пуста Pusta Means: Empty Хельм Khelm Means: Helm Клен Klen Means: Maple Острый Ostry Means: Acute Новый Собор Novy Sobor Means: The new Cathedral Старый Собор Stary Sobor Means: Old Cathedral Победа дамба Pobeda Dam Means: Victory Dam Башня Bashnya Means: Tower Скалка Skalka Means: Plunger Грозовы перевал Grozovy Pass Means: Storm Pass (is also the russian translation for the name of Emily Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights lol) Новый Луг Novy Lug Means: New Meadow Рифы Rify Means: Reef Нежное Nizhnoye Means: Tender дубина Dubina Means: Club Поляна Polana Means: Meadow Малиновка Malinovka Means: Robin (the bird) Лесной Хребет Lesnoy Khrebet Means: Forest Ridge Выбор Vybor Means: Choice, Selection, option Zelenogorsk Зеленогорск Means: Green"gorsk" -gorsk is a suffix to Russian town and city names like we use -ville Rog Рог Means: Horn Поп Иван Pop Ivan Means: Pope Ivan Зуб Zub Means: tooth or fang Кумирна Kumyrna Means: Shrine or Joss-house Перевал Орешка Pass Oreshka Means: Nut Pass Старое Staroye Means: The Old Пустой Хребет Pustoy Khrebet Means: Hollow ridge Мста Msta Means: The name of a Russian river also the designation of a tank, the 2S19 Msta Долина Dolina Means: Valley or glen Крутой Мыс Krutoy Cap Means: Steep Cape Скалисты Пролив Skalisty Proliv Means: Rocky Straight Скалисты остров Skalisty Island Means: Rocky Island (surprise) Kamishovo Камышово Means: Reed Tополка Topolka Involves a piano accoridan (yuk) Высокий Камень Vysoky Kamen Means: High Stone Электрозаводск Elektrozavodsk Means: Power-plant or Electric-Factory Добрый Dobryy Means: Good or Good natured (ironically enough- anyone else been killed by snipers or badits on this hill?) Пик Козлова Pik Kozlova Means: Peak Kozlova Мыс Голова Cap Golova Means: Cape Head or Cape Crown Отмель Otmel Means: Shallow Бухта Зеленая Bay Zelenaya Means: Green Bay Копыту Kopito Means: Hoof Озерко Ozerko Means: Lakelet Высота Vysota Means: Height or elevation Bor Бор Means: Burr Павлово Pavlovo Means: Paul Каменка Kamenka Means: The Heater Дракон Drakon Means: Dragon (derp) As my Russian is non-existent and I used Google translate for this feel free to shoot me down and/or add more.
- 7 replies
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Thanks OP & smasht_AU, I was having trouble with that one myself. Ferkin' fixed now.
I found a tractor and lived to film it
[email protected] replied to resident emil's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tractor -
Trading a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 and MP5SD6
[email protected] replied to Ataxian's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
^ yerp, I've found a couple... left 'em to rust. -
My list in order of awesomeness B) (OK so I took me out) PsiSyndicate HybridPanda EireBornFenix ImAnderZEL sacriel42 SideStrafe enjoy them all and there's more popping up all the time... oh yeah, forgot oshi7
Part1 & Part 2 Enjoy... I sure as hell didn't. >:(
You people are all scum. How could you be proud of negative humanity? mine's +7826
Looking for M4A1 CCO SD.
[email protected] replied to DancingBear's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Huh... well you could have asked this guy... but i'm pretty sure he's dead. ;) -
AUS/NZ Lonewolf looking for small group or buddy.
[email protected] replied to ozjace's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yep... ^ what he said... ƦƹƊ -
Wait what... my humanity is 7k plus, so if I take of the Ghillie will I go Hero?
[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!
[email protected] replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Announcements & Info
That is genuinely funny, yr not trolling either right? I really think you may need to consider getting a PC ;) -
Got wasted by a chick in Berezino supermarket... I' didn't scope up because of the artefacts and that was my fatal error. Don't ever underestimate the Lee in PVP.
To all aussie players
[email protected] replied to YouTrippinBrah's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I often play on the NZ servers as they are less crowded... friend me up on Steam: "kilbot73" -
Hotfix Build Rolling Update
[email protected] replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
That's been an issue since or maybe, put yr pack down before changing clothing sets ;) -
Hi I play as kilbot also, mainly ANZ 3 and 4. I play lone wolf but have helped a couple of survivors out in the past, will usually hail on voip before I get a bead on your head and shoot you in the face. Be Friendly :)
I have matches, I have a jerry can.
[email protected] replied to Biggus (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I think the equation is more likely to be Matches + Jerry Can (full of course) + Empty Whiskey Bottle = Molotov Cocktails. But I like it. -
...and we understand you feel ripped off because you can't get the mod to work. Now go away. BTW, for all you other posters: "Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."