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Everything posted by Coldrin

  1. Coldrin

    Troll Win Bandit Attack

    U mad bro?
  2. Coldrin

    Troll Win Bandit Attack

    U mad bro?
  3. Coldrin

    Its raining, its pouring....

    Getting killed by a hacker sucks any way you look at it, but I have to say I would rather get scared and hatcheted by this guy, then teleported to my death. Jason would be a more fun way to go.
  4. Why would I get kicked for a ping of 16? Admin set it crazy low to keep players off? I dont know how it works.
  5. Coldrin

    hacker putting music to play

    OK, but in response to the OP I'm letting him know that he's just being fucked with. It not necessarily a hacker.
  6. Coldrin

    hacker putting music to play

    That's not cheating. Zombie face is available in the profiles Nothing in the video was cheating. Alt + f4 is cheating.
  7. There is NO protection in helping others. After he got the meds he could have turned around and shot him. He might not have even needed meds. It could have been a trap. Three ways to play Dayz... 1. Clan 2. Solo 3. Dead
  8. More likely that they stop playing.
  9. Coldrin

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    Two reasons to kill a new spawn. 1. People are making sure you don't find a gun and kill them a few minutes later. 2. Some people are assholes, and that's how they want to play. At the moment this is just his the game is. The best way to deal with it is to shoot first or avoid other players. Odds are players have spared your life more times then you know. I've let countless people live and they never knew I was there.
  10. I LoL every time I see a thread with someone crying about hackers. "Its not fair" "I Alt+F4, because I don't have a chance". Then new players have the same frustration being killed when they don't have a gun and haven't learned the game yet. The same vets crying about hackers tell them to "get over it" and the "game is in alpha". I know its not the exact same thing, but Hacker killing a Vet is very similar to a Vet sniping new spawns. I find it ironic is all. *Edit: For both situations the frustration for the victim is equal and justified, yet on the forums, new players are hated and flamed buy the very same players that share similar problems.
  11. TY for helping me get my point across. You did a better job then I. lol
  12. I'm not saying the set up is the same, but the outcome is. Both players Die and lose everything, and there was nothing they could do about it (I'm not talking about the times when they could do something about it). I'm not saying that every vet is the same, nor am I saying that every vet hates on newbs, but there are a lot.
  13. I guess I failed to get my point across. For both situations the frustration for the victim is equal and justified, yet on the forums, new players are hated and flamed buy the very same players that share similar problems. Seems hypocritical to me.
  14. Coldrin

    Why are people playing this?

    Some people don't want the game to be the same. It is in alpha after all and changes will be made, but that's a conversation for another thread. I think I made my point though. Most of the community kills for fun, therefor the community is full of Assholes.
  15. Coldrin

    Why are people playing this?

    Sure "ruin your day" is exaggerating, but I was just trying to get a point across. I could easy say, If you get your kicks from killing unarmed fresh spawns or sniping without any intent of looting (thus gaining nothing but joy at others expense) I'd seek counselling. Those kind of people are A$$holes and there are a lot of them in the game. I do agree they have the right to play how they want, but it doesn't make them any less of a douchebag.
  16. Coldrin

    Why are people playing this?

    I disagree. The game is mostly played by A$$holes that want kill other people just because it will ruin there day.
  17. Coldrin

    Why are people playing this?

    The game is great, don't give up on it. The community however is horrible.
  18. Killing people is easy, Trying to make friends in game is a real challenge.
  19. I'm one all nighter away from peeking around corners before I exit my own bathroom. TY Dayz team. :)
  20. I've only been playing Dayz for a couple days, and I learned a good lesson this morning. Shoot everyone. A guy started talking to me on in game chat. Acted friendly, but when we met up he killed me. So I guess the only place to find players to team up with is on the forums.
  21. Coldrin

    Lesson learned.

    Still learning how to do that. Different time, I spent about 12hours played on a guy, off in the woods with everything to survive on my own, hatchet, matches, knife, water bottle. Went to loot some random building in the middle of nowhere and got killed on my way out. No zombies had spawned until I got close, so I know he came after me. It seemed like an impossible place to run into another player when there was only 12ish people on the server.
  22. Coldrin

    Dayz makes me paranoid IRL.

    I'm nothing like the guy in the video..... I would have died sooner. lol