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About sergioadiputra

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sergioadiputra

    Sudden mega fps drop D:

    The splash art in the menu also seemed laggy to me to the point of 5 fps
  2. sergioadiputra

    Sudden mega fps drop D:

    so i was playing normally the other day and when i got back... dayz is already dropping to approx 5 frames per second and it is unbearable. i used to play in a stable 30fps per second i dont know how could this happen
  3. sergioadiputra

    Herds (of zombies D:)

    i have no idea if this has been suggested yet but its a great idea to put a herd system. in which a group of zombie spawns and move to one direction bringing any zeds they passed with them. this would be a very startling sight to behold and more memorable moments to come with
  4. like the title above, i've been receiving these messages every 5 minutes and it kicks me off the server. it does that on every server i'm in so i appreciate some helping hand