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About xXDjosh13Xx

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Playing DayZ

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    Im awesome!
  1. xXDjosh13Xx

    How to lower BattleEye Ping?

    Thanks guys!
  2. Is there a way to lower my ping so I don't get kicked from servers? Because I can only seem to get into servers that are not from my country.
  3. Well I have just spawned so I don't know where I am exactly. All I know is that I am somewhere on the coast.
  4. Thank you! I successfully joined your two servers in like 2-3mins but after I played on your 2nd server, it kicked me because of my battle ping being too high. Is there a way too lower it?
  5. xXDjosh13Xx

    How to run beta patch and CO at the same time?

    To fix this you must put the beta patch file in the ArmA II: OA folder manually because for some people, the beta patch doesn't install properly. I don't know why this happens for some people and not others. If you have any other trouble, look on YouTube " How to install beta patch for DayZ".
  6. Thanks! I will try later today and let you know if it works!
  7. Hi, My DayZ game takes 20mins for me to to join a server, is there a way to join a server faster?