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About TheKnightFire

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    On the Coast
  1. Then why keep going back? If someone wants to play by themselves then let them. It's pretty sad but it's his server.
  2. TheKnightFire

    Posting his video - WingsofRedemption

    This is an ALPHA version of the MOD, posting this video is going to help the developers fix it in the future. If he didn't there is a chance that it could have shown up later on in later releases. A lot of you people need to stop being butthurts and try-hards and calm down.
  3. Someone in their livestream was hacking giving them stuff it's not their fault this is their first time playing the game and shouldn't be banned. This person is crying is just a try-hard that needs to get a life. This MOD is in Alpha and if you can't deal with things like this you should wait until the MOD is complete before playing any more.