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Everything posted by zatan13th

  1. zatan13th

    side channel allowed

    Some of official servers have let the side channel enabled. No, they hadn't modified their maps, but because of they can't retrieved the most updated one since the June. Such as my server which has been last updated before the coming of 1.7.x patch. (there is no disableChannels[] at that time).
  2. sorry, I mean "Server Hosts" in the topic. As I have tried at my server, BE (and also built-in DayZ anti-cheat system) could not detect ACR vehicles unless the server has installed the ACRLite patch. This means if the client who had installed ACRLite on his machine, he can spawned T-72s/Mi24s/BadAss vehicles without any detection! (if he can bypass the BE for local scripting, too) Server and BE will not recognize these vehicles as objects except the client who has install one will see them perfectly in game. Another who not install will see nothing, however, he still can be inflicted damage or killed by ACR vehicles' weapons. So, I think it is worth for server admin to install the ACR Lite patch for making the security tighten which the server side can now detect the new vehicles and weapons correctly.
  3. The last array from createvehicle report file is the position of a client created object right? then Is that right?
  4. I have a question: Is is possible to run DayZ server and force the HIVE to communicate the data via VPN port? I mean; A = DayZ server on another host/another IP can send the data to B = VPN server (another host/another IP) and then the data will be transferred to C = DayZ database, C send the data back to B and B transfer data back to A. A->B->C | C->B->A or,even A->B->C | C->A (bypassing B/ forget about it) Is it possible to do something like this?
  5. zatan13th

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Each time you have respawned, the database size is increased. Each time you have respawned, the database size is increased.
  6. Since last time, the DayZ Admin Staff told me that I need to join the irc-channel on irc.gamesurge.net #dayz-admins. However, that channel does not exist anymore. Then, I have tried the Ticket System which is still pending for an authorization (for a long-long time). Now, my problems are: -I have no an updated mission file. -I have no an updated dayz_server (my hive is still 0.41). E-mail? No responding. IRC? No anwser. Then, my last hope is only here.
  7. zatan13th

    Server file link not working?

    I have the same problem. Mine is imported server which is accepted (or not yet? I still dont know), the announcements warn me that I need to update mission file. However, when I looked at my client area? It is nothing appeared.
  8. zatan13th

    How to update DayZ server?

    I got "DayZ-admins unable to join channel (need correct key)" even I got the right password.