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About valkyries

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  1. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TRNSGC New steam group. Anyone can join.
  2. valkyries

    One big jump - The Resistance

  3. Panthera is one hell of a map.
  4. It's an island so the music seems fine. And no, most of those vehicles you so, 747, jets ext are not in the map really.
  5. Applying on the forums you will be contacted right away and can play when you want. Sorry if you're missed if you apply here. It happens sometime.
  6. valkyries

    One big jump - The Resistance

    Next video coming up, no "Made with Sony Vegas" will feature a car chasing a UAZ. "Cops chasing crime" A helicopter flies in-front of the jump to try and block the UAZ. UAZ fly s over the Helicopter blades and survives the jump I hope....
  7. Ever played Panthera on DayZ? Thinking of getting a server. Amazing map played in Vanilla, apply and join us on a new adventure!
  8. elemin, Zerospace. Your both accepted. Look for a friend invite from Valkyrie on steam.
  9. Accepted, watch for a friend invite from Valkyrie on steam