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About phe0nixrizin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. phe0nixrizin

    Downed C130 spawns

    Downed C130 spawns could work like choppers but 5x as rare with 2x the loot also there should on be 5 spawns instead of the 20+ chopper spawn locations
  2. phe0nixrizin

    looking for a crowd to play with

    hey ill play im at starry sobor skype me phe0nixrizin
  3. phe0nixrizin

    Anyone wanna team up?

    sure whats ur skype ill team up for a bit
  4. phe0nixrizin

    New clan recruiting F.A.P (Friendly as pie) new reqs

    im interested im currently in a group and im sure they'll be interest skype is phe0nixrizin and same for steam currently playing dayz
  5. i would like to join as well steam name phe0nixrizin