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Everything posted by iSaucyz

  1. Ok So I recently bought ArmA 2 Combined Operations Just to play DayZ I watched countless tutorials on how to install the mod. I finally installed the mod and the ArmA 2 Latest Patch. I load up Operation Arrowhead with the Patch and on the main menu it Says "Arma 2 Beta Expansion @DayZ". Then down in the bottom right corner it says "Version: 1.6094444" and whenever I try and join a DayZ server it says I require the 1.61 Version, but I can't find any tutorials or anything about it. Please Help me how to fix this? I can't get on to ANY DayZ Servers. Thankyou for your help. iSaucyz
  2. iSaucyz


    Ok, So I run Arma 2 OA through steam (Launched with Combined Operations) And Everything is fine, I have the beta patch DayZ installed and then when I try to enter a server This Comes Up. PLEASE HELP!
  3. Ok So When I launch Combined Operations with DayZ Through steam, I have version 1.60 (Almost EVERY server has version 1.61). But when I launch through the DayZ Beta Patch I Have the version 1.61 but I get the error "Deleted.Chernarus" From not lauching combined operations. So How do I launch Combined Operations with DayZ and the Beta patch? I've been trying to play this mod all day but just keep running into more and more problems. :( Please Help Me. Thankyou iSaucyz
  4. iSaucyz


    Still Getting the Exact Same Error and I did all the steps you said. I'm launching it through six launcher put in the exact code and it still come up with the same error.
  5. Ok So When I launch Combined Operations with DayZ Through steam, I have version 1.60 (Almost EVERY server has version 1.61). But when I launch through the DayZ Beta Patch I Have the version 1.61 but I get the error "Deleted.Chernarus" From not lauching combined operations. So How do I launch Combined Operations with DayZ and the Beta patch? I've been trying to play this mod all day but just keep running into more and more problems. :( Please Help Me. Thankyou iSaucyz
  6. So this is what it says when I try to join a server.. Help please!? Thankyou
  7. iSaucyz


    I guess it worked..Except When I launch "Combined Opperations" with DayZ its Version 1.60 instead of 1.61 (Almost All Servers run 1.61) So I can't even join any servers. So Either Way I can't join any servers. Any Help How I can Launch combined operations with the Arma 2 beta patch and DayZ mod?
  8. Thankyou Sir ! Now I can enjoy some DayZ :D