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Everything posted by Lockon

  1. You wouldnt have been banned for being Teleported, Otherwise hundreads of players would be banned everyday as Scripters just jump into servers run a Script to TP everyone to a single area and Mass kill them. None of these players who get Teleported get banned, because it's nothing to do with them! You don't understand how Scripts or BattleEye work, The person who runs the Scripts will be the one who gets banned not the People who get teleported. My guess is, you found yourself some Scripts, started to play around with them had some fun then tried a Teleport script and Teleported your friend too (Which is a detected script now, Thank god.) and you got nailed by BE. Go buy another CD Key and stop using Scripts, It's only a matter of time until the rest of the Scripts are detected :) So don't come here giving a sob story about "Waa some hacker tpd me and im banned" cause it does not happen. PREVIOUSLY scripters could run there scripts through other players, but that's been fixed a while ago. So enjoy your ban, You deserve it.
  2. Lockon

    banned on de112 EU20

    Your english is not that good so It's difficult to understand you and therefore you may find it difficult to read english also, So I'm going to try and explain this the best I can. If you pickup an AS50 TWS off a dead body OR out of a Tent, etc It is not Legit! These weapons are NOT found in the Mod, So it was Scripted into the game by a cheater so Picking one up and using it puts YOU at risk of being banned for Scripting, So if you ever find one, Just leave it there. Secondly, I have read through the thread and it sounds to me that you or someone in your "group" is a scripter because no one is that "lucky" to able to gear up with those sort of items and have items to repair vehicles right by them.. If you are NOT a scripter than I'd sudgest staying away from your group before they get you into a more serious ban. The evidence is stacked against you honestly, So just move on. If this was on a Server I owned I'd also would have banned you.
  3. Lockon

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    If Snipers were removed a lot of the fear would be removed from the Game itself. If there was no Snipers then I would not fear for my life as much as I do now, as the odds of you being killed would drop. Some people use Snipers to be a "dick" and kill newbies who just spawn, but why remove something so good just because a small percentage use it to be a dick? - Some players just PVP, They spawn find a weapon and kill other players, they dont care for food or whatever they JUST kill people, thats it, does that mean we should remove PVP? Because a small percentage use the feature to be a dick? No. Snipers are a great feature in the game and adds a lot more fear and makes people be more aware of their surrondings.
  4. Lockon

    People are horrible.

    Similare thing with me, A guy just saved me from another player who was hunting me down, and I killed the person who saved me as he told me he had a lot of food and drink in his pack with a lot of mags, So I killed him and took it all. I diddn't do this to be a "dick" or "for the fun of it" I needed some gear as I all had left was my Makarov with a single mag, and this player was blatantly boasting about his equipment and I needed it to survive. Moral of the story is to not boast about what you have, I diddn't know he had a lot of food and such, All I saw was a Pistol and an alice pack and I was going to leave him be after he saved me. I will note that I do help players but I don't stick around, I once healed a player with a blood transfusion and then said "Lookout another player is aiming at us" He then ran upstairs of the building and I ran off safely, If you want to help players, help them but get the hell out of there ASAP once your done.
  5. Yes it could be Hackers, but there are many other reasons posted in this thread that explain otherways of your camps being found, More than likely a Scout marking each camp they find then coming back and looting them all with their clan, It happens a lot and it's a good strategy. If one of your camps was raided, You would protect your others wouldnt you? Just incase those were going to get raided, so it makes sense to pull off all the raids on all camps found in just a few hours so you can get the Maximum amount of loot from it. And I also agree with another post in this thread, If you take all the vehicles in a server then you are ASKING to be looted, Playing for several hours not finding a vehicle, odds are someone has the vehicles, so I would normally gear up in my sniping gear with some others and go "Camp Hunting" and when we find a Vehicle a camp is always nearby!. ALSO, My main point of this post, We all know there's hacks out there, you just have to deal with it but for the love of god don't speak about it! What do you think it's going to accomplish? Rocket and there team KNOW about it, if you found a website with the hacks then perhaps send him a PM with the link? but never speak of any site hosting it because you basicly tell everyone here "Hey look free hacks right here guys! omg hackers are sooo gayyy waaa lost my stuff here more people can hack now!" If you mention hacks, then people will go looking for it, once they find it there will be more hackers obviously, My question to YOU is, How did you FIND the website? why are you ON a website that has hacks for Arma 2? You stated you see thousands of people viewing that section on the "cheat website" so you must have some access to that site, so you yourself have access to hacks if you wanted, Correct? All hackers will eventually get banned, Batteleye has stopped issueing Instant bans and now issue "Delayed bans" meaning when they have detected hacks they don't just ban your CD key there, they wait a day or a few, and when that one little person posts on this "cheat" site you visit and goes "HEY IT WORKS AND IM NOT BANNED" everyone uses it.. Then they all get flagged and in a matter of days / hours hundreads of players get banned. It's great isnt it? :) My advice to you is to stay far away from those sites, you may get tempted and one day may even go "Fuck it!" and try it out becuase you may have been killed by an obvious hacker, stressed and annoyed by it so you result to using hacks too, but I warn you, you will eventually get banned if you use hacks, so is it worth the risk? You'll just be another Script kiddie faggot if you do. (Sorry for any spelling mistakes, etc.)
  6. Lockon

    What does this mean? Anyone?

    Have you tried again? I heard the newest beta patched was out so none of the servers were running it, Maybe that was the issue? Try and join a server again
  7. Lockon

    Video options

    Higher the Resoloution, The more textures and materials have to be loaded and drawn etc etc So it's more pressure on the Graphics card and CPU, So if your system isnt a "Decent" one a higher res. would cause Lag. Play around with the resoloutions until you find one that looks good and also doesent cause lag, but overall the Post Processing and texture quality and such will be the main cause of Lag.
  8. Lockon

    What does this mean? Anyone?

    Herp Derp! My bad Sorry, I have my Server list setup to Filter only DayZ servers, So I assumed they were all DayZ on the Screenshot. What are you using to run the game? Do you have Six launcher or you manually running it?
  9. Lockon

    Video options

    Whatever you think looks good. I personally play on 1280x1024 because that's the Max my Graphics card can handle and I think it looks good for me. Just go through them and find one you find nice to play with
  10. Lockon

    Looking For ENGLISH Speaking Group

    Hey all, I'm a UK Gamer but I'm on late nights so I can also play with Americans as I play on good ping US servers mostly due to the times I play DayZ and I don't like playing the game on Nigh servers constantly. I have a TeamSpeak server with some friends (Some of them own DayZ Also) so get in touch if your up for playing together! Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheLockon/ TS3 Server: ts3.killercreation.co.uk:10091 (If someone asks who you are, Tell them Lockon sent you there for DayZ) Get in touch if you want!
  11. Lockon

    Video options

    There are so many threads on the forum that ask the same thing, Use the search function to look at them and see other peoples results, etc. But first off, Open up your Video settings in Arma 2 and click Advanced and now you can change a bunch of settings and test for yourself. One MAJOR setting you should change is Post Processing, Put that to Disabled (It sometimes turns itself on again when you start the game so keep checking) With Post Processing off you will no longer get that blurry vission effect when moving your mouse. Also make sure your Resoloution and 3D resoloution are the Same, Turn some settings down from High to Medium or maybe even low depending on your System. Just keep playing with the settings, you'll eventually get settings that you like.
  12. Lockon

    What does this mean? Anyone?

    Considering it says "Requires 1.61" that refers to the Arma 2 version, I'm guessing your on 1.60? - That's just my Guess, I also see some servers with the X mark but there are plenty more without it.
  13. Lockon

    Need help quickly!

    All Beta patches are Backwards Compatable, meaning yes you can Join servers with a lower Beta version.
  14. Lockon

    Damage from bear traps?

    16: Driving into a Rabbit.
  15. I thought you had something there for a moment, until I read the part where you said they get killed when they login, I dislike this! I have logged out when my player is in shock several times, Not to run from a fight, Just because my player is in shock from possibly falling or other methods and I just had to leave at the time. Ontop of that computers do Crash, Servers can crash, Server reboots do happen and DDOS attacks can happen at anytime, What if your player is in shock and one of these things cause a Disconnect? What if your kicked from the server while in shock by BE because it's screwing up like it did 2 weeks ago? Your character is dead because of these things. What if a server admin gets killed, and can't take it and shuts the server off in Rage to knowing the killers are also in shock and they will be killed upon login? Or just kicks them? Too many things can cause a Disconnect so I disagree with this, But it would be simple to check if a bullet flys past someone or hits them around the time they logout and then deal with them that way, but for as far as killing a person if they log when in shock, I say no.
  16. All I can say is that I have enjoyed the game the moment I got it! It was easy for me to install but I have spent my life using computers so It's straight forward. The game makes you feel fear but not from the Zombies itself, from other players. If a zombie see's you they chase you, That's nothing to worry about, it's the players looking around and then spotting running zombies, they then know someone is near and then your life is in danger and you know that! You feel so afraid the moment you hear a gunshot in the distance, you panic and need to act fast, Do you stay and fight? Or try to run and hide, but those zombies are chasing you still, so you can't hide so easily, Lotsa of fear and panic. You also feel excited when you find good loot, or when you just pulled off a kill on another player who was trying to kill you. You will expeience adrenaline rushes when your in a firefight with someone about to lose everything and it makes you fight for your life as if you were actually there. And finally Anger, Rage and Sadness may be felt when you finally meet your death and lose all your items that you spent hours to get, some people rage and scream, Some feel annoyed and sad but you always hit that button to play again and go through all these emotons over and over. No other game I know makes me cycle through so many emotions, and continue to make me feel like that even though I have played a lot! I would also like to say, If you buy Arma 2, DayZ is not the only Mod! There's another called "Project Reality" which is a very interesting and fun mod, So it's worth picking up the game for DayZ and the many other mods out there.
  17. Lockon

    The best suggestion ever

    Sorry to inform you but what you explained there is what I would call a BETA stage of a development process, and no, I am not a Programmer but I have worked closey with Programmers and seen the development process of Software and games. I took a course in my college which included game design (Small amount) and had to write large reports on the correct way of bug testing software / games and the whole development cycle. The Alpha stage as another person stated is the stage where you just throw in features and see how it "feels" within the game, Major bugs are fixed obviously but most bugs WILL be left alone untill they get to a point where they no longer want to continue to add new features and just work on pushing it to Beta (New features do get developed in Beta but beta starts as a Bug fixing stage). Why do you think not many games companies actually have a playable Alpha? Because the Alpha stage of a game is usually barely playable due to these bugs. A perfect example would be Minecraft, Back in Alpha when notch was the soul developer of Minecraft he kept adding features, items, etc and making small bug fixes, there was a bug with the enemy mob AI all the way through that Alpha and only began fixing it LATE through Beta stage to Commercial stage, Why? Because it was buggy but he did not want to waste a ton of time on that bug when he could be spending that time adding new things which the community wanted. Rant over!
  18. Lockon

    The best suggestion ever

    Hey! Guess what Buddy? This is an Alpha! :o Yes that's correct, an Alpha! Just incase you don't understand let me quote a part of a Wikipedia article. Now that you know a little more, WE are Testing this Mod, if you have downloaded DayZ to play for fun you have to deal with these bugs, Rocket and his team create fixes and add new things and release it to everyone to test it. We then play the game try out the new features, test old bugs to see if the bugs are actually fixed and look for new bugs, we then report all issues and bugs on the Bug tracker for Rocket and his team to then make another update to attempt to fix those bugs. Now if you don't want to be a tester then get off this forum and stop playing DayZ, this is nowhere near a complete functioning mod it has Bugs, it has issues and people like you moaning on the forums is NOT helping. There's my little Rant, Tired of reading these same old threads, Wake up and realise what an Alpha is and appreciate the Mod as it is and maybe even do something helpful and report bugs you find on the Bug tracker, Not make pointless threads which Rocket and his team won't even bother reading as it's the same old crap they see here all the time by children who think this is a bug free mod then complain stuff doesent work. Did you pay for this mod? NO. So get over it.