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Everything posted by gywidion@msn.com

  1. gywidion@msn.com


    Barter system! Value on items is based on need! If I need some beans, I'll perhaps trade you an AKM for them if I am desperate.
  2. gywidion@msn.com

    What Script kiddies can and cannot do.

    I am sure they can do both. New vehicles of course as we have seen non game vehicles often.
  3. The standalone has nothing to do with the Mod. Implying the security will be just as lax is misinformed. As stated by Rocket and many others, the holes in ARMA 2 are there as a feature, it is part of the game. It just does not help Day Z. The standalone will fix most of them, though you can never eliminate skiddies 100%.they are like roaches, they will outlive us all!
  4. gywidion@msn.com

    Is there a way to re-skin the PMC character?

    You can find them on the web, google for em. The problem is most servers will kick you for them. This is more of a security reason than anything else, it is a filter set on the server, or so i hear.
  5. gywidion@msn.com

    [POLL] Standalone and instances

    I am not in favor of the idea, but will reserve judgement on it until it becomes more than an idea.
  6. gywidion@msn.com

    What's The Lowest Blood You've Survived At?

    Does get hard when that low. Akin to being nearly blacked out drunk.
  7. gywidion@msn.com

    My Best KILL so FAR

    Needs some narration. I need to feel as well as see it, otherwise great video!
  8. I feel jipped! I don't have any stupid non U.S. currency buttons! :(
  9. I do not agree. I think fronting a company money is part of the process. Traditionally this process has been done by investors and shareholders. Stakeholders are now becoming a new avenue of investment for companies. Look at Kickstarter for instance. I think overall it creates a better potential bond between a company and its customers, it allows for customers to have a voice in regards to the product.
  10. gywidion@msn.com

    Hero Skin

    Kill enough to drop your humanity down it will. 2000 ish?
  11. gywidion@msn.com

    Script restriction #138, did nothing?

    Only through running scripts on your end.
  12. gywidion@msn.com

    Graphics bug. Never got it. ever

    I am sure you can find videos for it.
  13. gywidion@msn.com

    I was killed by a rock

    Yeah, I find it best to not carry the high end loot that they crave so as to avoid being devoured by them.
  14. gywidion@msn.com

    How did your most recent character die?

    I wanna see a story/ Video of someone shooting their buddy in the leg to get away from some zombies!
  15. gywidion@msn.com

    Gaming laptop question

    Quad, on the lower end
  16. gywidion@msn.com

    Are you a bandit, Hero or Survivor?

    http://www.youtube.com/user/FRANKIEonPCin1080p That's a Hero right there!
  17. gywidion@msn.com

    WTF Has become of this game?

    The better you get at not getting hit, the funnier it becomes. If it pans out, your shooter will just end up getting munched on and running off while you go on your way.
  18. gywidion@msn.com

    Server population really dropping off

    He has changed that to before end of the year. It is a more realistic estimate, the earlier estimations were pretty much before he realized how real this was going to be I think.
  19. gywidion@msn.com

    Server population really dropping off

    There are plenty of fun scenarios you can run in ARMA that are not just kill the other guy. Other Mods for it as well that do the same. I prefer Dayz myself, but you can find some videos on you tube to get an idea of its capabilities. One of the neatest ones I saw was a hostage exchange, things went bad and there was bloodshed, but I think that had to do more with one of the hostages, as he was being annoying. (He was set on fire by the takers!)
  20. gywidion@msn.com

    Help me continue playing

    Admins have omgwtf power on Private servers. It is a good alternative and possibly how the future of the Mod is going to go. I have connected to some here and there by accident, I think both dayz launchers can filter for em. Some folks advertise them as well. Any server running Lingor Island for instance would be private. Not being connected to the Hive means your Avatar is unique to the private hive only. Worth it if the skiddies are getting to you.
  21. gywidion@msn.com

    Global Bans?

    Depends Skiddies dropping scripts can be smacked right off with a ban hammer, yes it can happen. Santa is watching you.
  22. gywidion@msn.com

    Server population really dropping off

    Population is a lot more dispersed as well. There are a lot of servers and folks try to keep away from high populations as they attract skiddies.
  23. gywidion@msn.com

    I am the manhunter.

    Me too, I like beans!
  24. gywidion@msn.com

    Need blood badly.

    I'll have to tune in later to see how this came out.
  25. gywidion@msn.com


    Just the name, gear is not tied to profile. You can have 10 profiles to switch between and they will all be the same avatar. From the main menu in arma you can make new profiles, which you probably already know.