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Everything posted by gywidion@msn.com

  1. gywidion@msn.com


    As far as dropping your pack, never heard of it happening myself.
  2. gywidion@msn.com


    Here you go http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons
  3. gywidion@msn.com

    Server Hopping

    You can always pay for your own server, or in the least donate to the ones you play on a lot.
  4. gywidion@msn.com

    When was the last DayZ wipe? and How?

    I think wipes could help. It might help to make folks remember that this is an alpha and not anything more. Churn em out weekly in the least.
  5. gywidion@msn.com

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Umm, this has been addressed more times than anyone here can count. Scripting is PART of the ARMA 2 engine. It can, and has been curbed, but cannot be addressed in the MOD. Period. Really. I am serious. Rocket has said this. It is one of the reasons the Standalone is needed. ARAM 2 was not designed to support the kind of play Day Z has. Day Z is just a MOD of the ARMA 2 engine, and is therefore limited in what it can do within the bounds of said engine. Mods should make a Day Z for Dummies thread and Pin it.
  6. gywidion@msn.com

    Rare Zombies

    If the area has a church you will see em.
  7. gywidion@msn.com

    Question About The Hero and Bandit Skins

    I cannot recall right now, I am sure someone will though, but as a rule keep it above 5,000, as that is where you become a hero.
  8. gywidion@msn.com

    Medic signature

    Be nice if one day we could get a nice red cross in game for you folks. Make it easier to hit you. Just kidding?
  9. gywidion@msn.com


    Forums tend to be the home of extreamist when compared to the general population. Much like the folks on TV who get all political and stuff. Most of the general player base will never go to them, and when they do, it is just for a brief visit. It is why, along with it being a faceless internet place, things get all wacky. Sick people, like myself, enjoy them. Much like watching daytime talk shows, it is a complete waste of time, but one cannot just pull away.
  10. gywidion@msn.com

    So whats your loadout??

    I placed a tent the other night and some bug happened where it placed a bunch, none of which were usable. It was a sign I think, as not long after I found another campsite not 100 m away. I carry a shotgun and pistol, as well as too much food and water. I am a stress eater I think.
  11. gywidion@msn.com

    Question About The Hero and Bandit Skins

    You can lose the skins. Kill enough folks, and you will be a survivor again. Kill more you will be a bandit. Killing bandits wont hurt you though. Here is a useful link http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Humanity
  12. gywidion@msn.com

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    I think some folks are just impatient. Rocket pretty much started a new job, Lead Dev on a new game, and got tosses out to sell it. He is a busy man. I don't know how many of you are old enough to work yet, but let me tell you..Transitions like this can be stressful. He was a contractor doing something else and went to Lead Dev on a new project. He has a lot on his plate, and it is pretty much laughable folks are screaming because he has not done an update in a few weeks. You are going to learn one day that things do not just happen because you want it too. I hope he is taking a break and letting things absorb, he needs it.
  13. gywidion@msn.com

    very serious counter hacking :)

    Would have made more sense if he just said that
  14. gywidion@msn.com

    last players (24h)

  15. gywidion@msn.com


    My question. What are you gonna give Rocket for the Sub boost?
  16. gywidion@msn.com

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Wow, just wow...rare to see one who understands basic economical processes! Beans for you!
  17. gywidion@msn.com

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    I am with you.
  18. Pretty sure he is being sarcastic A good read http://www.phillymag.com/articles/feature-is-it-just-us-or-are-kids-getting-really-stupid/
  19. I get so excited when I see people who can read! Have some beans!
  20. gywidion@msn.com

    Do you consider the mod playable any more?

    I think you guys out to get a private server and invite some of your subs to play on it. That way you can control the skiddies, and have a decent environment to mess around in. I doubt getting donations for it would be difficult.
  21. gywidion@msn.com

    character bound per server?

    I think without another fix for ghosting, combat logging, and loot farming, it would be a decent option. Not too different from having your Avatar die if you have to switch servers.
  22. gywidion@msn.com


    The only real way to better myself involves not wasting time on video games. :(
  23. Yeah, if I were rocket I'd just go to a closed alpha and let all the drama queens move on.
  24. gywidion@msn.com

    Not arguing, I may have done wrong, but what?

    Best you can do is go tell battle-eye WTF! And wait. Or log on again and see if your still banned.