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Everything posted by gywidion@msn.com

  1. gywidion@msn.com

    Day Z commander and Lingor installation

    Different characters for private hives.
  2. gywidion@msn.com

    Server Hopping

    That is unfortunate. It works for me. I use to do the same thing as far as popping in and out of servers to find a good one.
  3. gywidion@msn.com

    Should hiding bodies exist in it's current form?

    I like it as it is. Though I do not oppose the option of dragging it as well. Both have their advantages. Hide I see as a catch all for burying it, camoing it, ect. It is limited by game functions but it does the trick. The body cannot be seen. I like the idea as well with using an entrenching tool to hide/unhide it as well. Makes it a more useful item to have on you. Drag would be a nice trap option. Perhaps drag a dead corpse with a nice gun to an area you wanna snipe, much like folks do with vehicles. They do need to make a better drag/carry animation though, as Day Z's is pretty busted atm.
  4. gywidion@msn.com

    Server Hopping

    If you use Dayz Commander as your launcher it shows the server time on the server listing. Makes it a lot easier to find one that will fit your needs.
  5. gywidion@msn.com

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    That sounds good to me, though every 2 weeks perhaps then.
  6. gywidion@msn.com

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Yes, and add in a weekly wipe as well. This is a test phase, not a retail game.
  7. gywidion@msn.com

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    OFP: Elite, was not a bad port, plus they did not Dumb Down ARMA for PC because of it. They made it and dropped it it pretty much. But it had no effect on the ARMA series. So point in their favor there. Carrier Commander is a different division of BI from what I understand. Could be wrong though. Again, I do not believe they would make that sacrifice, if they had done so in the past I might worry. But until I see it otherwise, I will remain open to it.
  8. gywidion@msn.com

    Question :P

    I think if the server has em enabled. Look here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/84407-lingor-island-with-ace-and-acex-sm/
  9. gywidion@msn.com

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    It does, but you have to take in the companies history as well. I agree there is always a possibility, but I think we have also seen some solidarity by Rocket sticking with the VR engine and BI. He could have done things to go more profit, but did not. I think both he and BI have some depth. Or at least I hope so. ;)
  10. gywidion@msn.com

    I am a exploiter.

    I have an article here you should read. http://nzungseraphine.hubpages.com/hub/Overcoming---Excuses
  11. gywidion@msn.com

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    I'll do it here as well. I think it is more likely they would hire an outside firm to do this. BI does this for projects even now. It makes the most sense. Hire someone with experience at something you do not have exp at. If Rocket were interesting in money vs quality he could of just gone straight to console. I think it makes more sense to worry about the sun going nova than Day z being messed up by possibly going to console. :D
  12. gywidion@msn.com

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    I think it more likely they, BI, would hire an outside firm to make it. They currently do this for smaller projects right now, and doubt it would change. Point in fact Rocket was rubbing hands with other companies out at these events he has been attending. Another point, Why do something you don't know how to do when you can hire someone to do it for you? /thread
  13. No, the Reality show is a better idea. Plus it can be a real money maker. Think of all the product placement and Drama!
  14. gywidion@msn.com

    Why the radio silence?!?

    I think it was in the IGN interview about the dogs. The idea is they will do a server side soon, and a client later.
  15. Not much can be done about that. It is a result of popularity.
  16. gywidion@msn.com

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    Since the plan is to make the PC game happen first I do not see this as a problem. Asides I doubt they would play together. More likely a cut down version of the PC would be ported over to the consoles. BI seems to favor the PC, and I doubt they would drop their main support of PC gamers for watered down consoles. They put a lot into what they maek and get plenty of money from the Military bodies of the world to do what they do.
  17. gywidion@msn.com

    A warning to everyone...

    Never heard of anyone losing gear after being kicked. If it is the case make a bug report on it.
  18. That sounds like a plan. Drop it in the suggestion forum. Come up with a nifty Reality TV name for it too. Like "Rocket Doez Dayz" It could draw the wrong kinda crowd with that title though... :D
  19. Most of what you see in the Mod will be in the standalone. :)
  20. gywidion@msn.com

    A warning to everyone...

    Most server kick/ban you for accessing that as it is a place use to toss scripts out. Best place to play with it is on your own computer.
  21. I agree, it does affect folks who are not running in packs the most. But it is still more difficult to not have storage somewhere. If your whole team is killed, then it is over for them. It reinforces the need to work together to survive. The team you just killed won't be back in full gear in the next 5-10 mins to take you out, they are, in effect, removed from play for a time. Another mechanic I would not mind seeing is the ability,as through the ACE mod, to revive someone within a limited scope of time (say up to 3-4 mins tops).
  22. gywidion@msn.com

    DayZ logic

    I fear opening a door/gate more than hackers and bandits.
  23. gywidion@msn.com

    Sometimes, I can't help but love hackers.

    Here as some interesting stories related http://abcnews.go.co...14#.UEPdiNZlTng http://www.wpri.com/...found-by-police Now I am sure there are folks who have found and kept stuff, but it is nice to see some honor out in the real world in these situations. My wife had a lost purse returned a long time ago, nothing was touched except her wallet, which was used to find her.
  24. gywidion@msn.com

    Cheater problem is getting bigger!

    He has said in a couple of interviews it is their number one priority. http://www.fpsgeneral.com/news/dayz/21388-dean-rocket-hall-pledges-to-fight-hacking-in-dayz There are more to look at as well.
  25. gywidion@msn.com

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    I think it would be a good move down the line. I will never own a console system, but there is money in it.