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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. If they do it, they still die, but they leave the game before it updates so no body is left (flies can be heard), and no kill count. They do not keep their gear and you cannot loot it.
  2. Doesn't that make the unarmed player into a a military armed player? :rolleyes:
  3. I am sure after the mod opens up we will see more of this anyhow.
  4. Probably not a hacker. A skiddie perhaps.
  5. While I still think it is lame to shoot on site (especially unarmed folks), I do not ignore the fact that PvP is what makes the game, without it it would not be what it is. The constant sense of someones sites on your head, and gunfire in the distance brings up the intensity. With that in mind, If the COD features were dropped it would be more balanced. Being able to respawn and regear right away makes in more like FPS than permadeath. Right now you do not really lose anything you cannot reaquire in a short amount of time. If there was a server lockout of say 12-24 hours after you died, as well as fixes for combat logging and a log out timer, the game would be a lot better.
  6. The other point to consider is by taking the easy way out, you are going to make others do the same or have them leave and wait till a solution to fix it arrives. Then you will post how the game is dying and not enough players are here or there. It is a lame exploit. The teenage excuse of "Well everyone else is doing it" is pretty awful and immature.
  7. I think making animations such as a twitch, shifty eyes, or clinching hands as body language you can observe would be nice. I do not know how detailed the engine can get but subtle things like that in addition to the heart beat sound makes it more of a social interaction versus clothing which in the standalone can be changed even more. Scoping out a guy with binocs from a distance watching for these signs before going up to them would be nice. The lower/higher humanity you have to more of these things can be observed.
  8. Rocket has already said the Mod will be opened up more to the public to work with it. He just needed it locked down to get the message out. I am sure in the comming weeks you will see it start to open up more. As it is you can run a private server right now, It will not be part of the hive, but you will have full control in it. No reason to hate life about it though, chin up.
  9. I got shot once and was bleeding out. I managed to get away from my attacker, but had no bandages on me. I hid up on a hill waiting for my brother to come and save me, he failed. I literally died while he was bandaging me. I refused to log out and wait till he got there, that is just me though. I do not play the high end game, nor do I have gear attachment. I use to combat log when I got teleported but it never seemed to help, so I just die instead.
  10. Find like minded folks and stick with them. You will be killed a lot in the process, but in the end, running in a pack is the only way to survive unless you want to run solo in the wilderness.
  11. Yeah, I think he is kinda like James Bond meets Bear Grylls. Very casual as bullets fly, giving great narration while dodging bullets. He is awesome. I run when I see other players. I have almost killed one person, he walked into the fire station as I was looting a corpse. He Killed me, but I hit him enough that some zombies were able to finish him off. I felt bad because I did fire first. Since then I just stick to the woods and do night runs to resupply, I avoid military spawns as much as possible. I have had many great adventures just running around the map, but that is not for everyone.
  12. I think it is what it is. The kiddies playing with scripts are annoying yes, but there are more problems than just that. The amount of high end gear on many of the servers is a bit much. I think it is silly the amount of AS50's, NVG's and such that are seen. My suggestion. Play a different way. Try out some CQB in the streets of Cherno and Electra on high pop servers. Have some fun with it. Ditch the high end weapons and use pistols and shotguns. Hunt snipers with Axes and pistols. I think I would love to watch one of you, Fhrope perhaps, give us a few point-blank shotgun blasts to sniper heads (add in a boom head shot over Direct Chat just before). Don't loot em either, just hide all the bodies, and scavenge the cities. Just have some fun, if you can. I enjoy all of your squads videos, but I think if you want to not burn out on it, either quit till the standalone (I with many others would not like this), or just change up how you play. I support what ever you choose. I tend to play solo a few hours a week tops, so I avoid most of the bad that can happen.
  13. It is just a matter of doing a little research. I read reviews of any game I buy into as I prefer to not waste money on bad ones. Most forums have announcement threads chalk full of info, and most reviews tend to give out a lot of the info needed. Youtube and other social media does this as well. If you look at the main webpage of the Mod site (to the left side) you see where it says it is an Alpha as well as the version, here http://www.dayzmod.com/?About. I respect your opinion, but the information is there. If someone does not want to spend a few mins or so looking for it, they have much bigger problems facing them. The forums are designed well, and the topics easy enough to find, the main page as well. Between the two links I have posted you can see the mod is an alpha (main page), and that the standalone is a separate product (Announcements & Info), both very common areas you find on most sites. As it is anyone who installs and plays it knows it is just a mod of the ARMA 2 game. It is not official, just one of many free mods. Why would you get a free version of a game just because you bought a mod for another game? I look forward to shelling out some cash to support the standalone as I have done for the mod. I bought 4 copies of ARMA 2 CO for myself and some friends to play Dayz. I will do the same when the standalone comes out as well.
  14. Not trying to be rude, but not taking the time to read other posts to get the information is really not an excuse. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64335-dayz-standalone-confirmed/ Info on standalone, easy to find. As far as it being an alpha version. It is currently just a mod. You have to buy another game to play it, it is kinda of obvious.
  15. I like this idea a lot. I think it would also inspire cooperation and less shoot on site. The problem right now is that death is not permadeath, it is pretty much the same as respawning in any number of games (COD, BF, ect). There is no real loss when you can respawn and regear in a short time and rejoin the fight. It should be more about survival as I think is the original intent of the mod, immersion. Having this as an option like 3rd person, sights, and the like would be best as it would be a server option and not a game feature. This may even allow those who want safer servers to have some fun, banding together to kill a bandit preying on people in town, it would effectively remove that threat for a day, making it seem much more immersive. As for storage, I say leave it alone, it needs to be there. Knowing that you will lose access for 24 hours on death, your stuff will likely be looted anyway. You have my beans.
  16. gywidion@msn.com


    Also note that even the people setting up the mines would be vulnerable to them as well. If they set a lot of them, they may forget where all of them are. Could cause a very nasty chain reaction as well if poorly placed.