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About [email protected]

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    Austin, Texas
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    A lot of things.
  1. So you think if a dude shoots some folks he can turn himself in and start over without doing the time? Are you serious? When a criminal does their time (rebuilding humanity) then they can try to turn over a new leaf. You have to server your time first. A wanted criminal is not going to get a chance, and one who has done their time will still have a hard time cuz folks judge on past actions. That is just life.
  2. I think the intent is to elicit emotional response. It does this quite well. Rage, giggles, tears, ect.
  3. Yeah, I spend a lot of time on the editor. A true sandbox.
  4. That is something Admins will do. Some even ban for it.
  5. Have fun. Try out some of the other ARMA 2 Mods. I have been watching some videos of them and they are peaking my curiosity.
  6. The map border is on the ground pretty much. Straight line east to west in the north, and north to south in the west. I do not know about the rain, it does not rain much when I play, though I do not play often. I prefer it myself though. Night + Rain is pretty safe for scavenging. Not so good for other stuff though.
  7. I do not see how someone having cancer could make one happy.
  8. I may of just missed em, but I have never seen footprints in the game. Bandits get a passive buff to aiming and weather resist, I hear Survivors get nothing I think. Hero's are a little faster they say. There was a thread on it not too long ago where some nice fella listed it all out. You'll have to find it though.
  9. Just run through Electro or Chero for a quick sniper cure. I was hunting antibiotics in Cherno and had one fix me right up.
  10. I have gotten sick from zombie hits. It happens. You can spread it too I think.
  11. If you really did search you would find this answered over and over. The mod will not be hacker free. Nothing other than Battleye trying to keep up will work for this. The standalone will be far more secure.
  12. Try logging into another server. Perhaps multiple times, multiple servers.