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Everything posted by alienfreak

  1. alienfreak

    Zombie Hordes

    I also proposed that in my thread. Zombified Bears, Dogs etc pp
  2. alienfreak

    Expanded Camps

    I already posted an suggestion of tents being more useful to create permanent camps with your group of survivors :)
  3. alienfreak

    Crossbow bolt recovery, Zombie spawns

    The bolt should be attached to the zombie. Look at the bolt and you should be able to pick it up.
  4. alienfreak

    Survivor Camp

  5. alienfreak

    Survivor Camp

  6. alienfreak

    Starter pistol change to beretta

    This is true. I used an M9 & G17 or a while now and the .45 Pistol drops even if you shoot them into their legs. The M9 & G17 needs an headshot to kill with the first shot. Its rather disappointed considering that it is an advanced weapon.
  7. alienfreak

    Survivor Camp
