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Everything posted by RipeCoconut

  1. RipeCoconut

    How did you find DayZ?

    Watched destiny near the release of the mod.
  2. RipeCoconut

    Should they disable spawning in kamenka?

    The only downside about Kamenka is the lack of morphine and tents.
  3. RipeCoconut

    You know you play to much DayZ when...

    You make sure that your window shutters are closed so you don't get sniped. This actually occurred to me once zzz.
  4. RipeCoconut

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Ahh ok. I was hoping to find a private server with no L85's. Good luck finding people/clans!
  5. RipeCoconut

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Are L85's removed? or any other weapons for the matter?
  6. I used to have the same problem as you: I could not find a gun. Now give me cherno/electro and I will have a gun in less than 5 minutes.
  7. I'm sure he would love to play but he has other things to do. Kudos to you for having self control.
  8. RipeCoconut

    Infected need advice.

    Hello fellow Dayz members. I am a new player and I got infected from a zombie. I met up with an experienced player who recently died and we got some really good gear together (super nice guy). I don't want to kill myself because I am fairly well equipped. I heard antidotes are very rare in this game and since I hardly know where hospitals are, I doubt I will ever get an antidote running around with 6k blood. I was thinking I might be able to store my loot somewhere and then kill myself to get rid of the infection. Is this possible? Thanks.
  9. RipeCoconut

    Infected need advice.

    I got sniped while walking through the middle of no where. Thanks for the help anyways guys :)
  10. RipeCoconut

    Infected need advice.

    where can i find a tent?
  11. Try taking painkillers. You could also be out of breath?