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About Jai_Bizzle

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jai_Bizzle

    Dogs: Discussion

    I like the idea of having a dog (being a dog owner may play a part in this). It gets lonely out in them woods, a companion to make a bond with plays into the psychology of the game well I think. Also not forgetting the realistic element - people have dogs, fact. It's not like it's a robot or a summoned demon familiar. Could a dog be used for hunting small animals maybe? or tracking, if you cross an area that has recently been walked on by another human, the dog could signal and lead you? then you'd have a choice to follow someone, or even use it to set a trap for someone you think has a dog and is following you?
  2. good work this man! hopefully once you help enough people out the community will start watching your back and punishing anyone who kills you - people wont think of you as an easy target if they know theyll have all the local bandits on their ass if you die!
  3. Jai_Bizzle

    This mod is better NOW then ever before

    As a solo survivor I've found 1.5.7 better than 1.5.6 for the simple reason: It's forced me into being better at surviving therefore improving my experience, I'm now getting more out of the game as i'm living longer and travelling further because i've been forced to learn the most important rule. Be cautious!! I also think the increase in zeds has evened up the playing field for solo versus small group - before, a small group had the upper hand and could romp through towns. Now however, the more people you have means the greater chance of attracting a zed. Solo I can crawl my way into most places and grab what I need. Don't go shooting your gun and you won't attract attention!
  4. I found some in a general store - dont have a hunting knife this life though :(
  5. Jai_Bizzle

    bigger backpack

    I'd like to add... be careful dropping your bag, I've never been able to pick mine back up after dropping it