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Chicago Ted

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Everything posted by Chicago Ted

  1. Chicago Ted

    Berezino: The New Devil's Playground

    Making topics like this worsens the problem.
  2. Chicago Ted

    pitching a tent

    Yeah, I've placed about four tents since the patch. They're tricky, but if you open the gear menu and spam pitch tent while walking around you'll eventually get it down.
  3. The incentive for team play is already there. Your mates can cover you, hold more loot, patch you up, have extra pairs of eyes, can return fire and knock out the bandit scum, then cover your corpse until you get back/assemble new kit for you while you run your ass from the coast. And people may be somewhat hesitant to attack a large group.
  4. Chicago Ted

    Girl Character?

    Female models would be ok, I guess, but not something I'd like to see implemented in the near future, mainly because it seems like it'd be a lot of work, and not add a whole lot to the gameplay. Seems like something that could be delayed.
  5. I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be satire or not
  6. Chicago Ted

    How to place a tent correctly?

    It works, I've placed two tents since the patch. It just seems a bit more finicky and a pain in the ass. My only advice is to move around with the gear menu open and spam the pitch tent command.
  7. Chicago Ted

    [GUIDE] Keybindings & Tips For New Players

    Salute is \ by default, not #
  8. Chicago Ted

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Residential areas like supermarkets and apartment buildings will spawn them. I've found all but one of mine in apartments.
  9. Chicago Ted

    Do not password your servers

    Right here' date=' the stickied thread entitled "Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.": http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429
  10. Chicago Ted

    Winchester 1833

    It's 1866 in game, not 1833. It did have a 15 round magazine, I believe, but it wasn't a shotgun.
  11. Chicago Ted

    New Dedicated Machine Ordered!

    Ah, good. It was down all day, so I was worried.
  12. Chicago Ted

    New Dedicated Machine Ordered!

    So, does this mean Denver will be down until then, or ?
  13. Ah, it's a bug? Good. I thought it was intentional! Much better then. also happy birthday