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Everything posted by theryl2002

  1. Khilbron , I usually play the hoarder, stockpile enough weapons to gear out a small army, enough food to feed africa, transportation, the works. Once my stockpile is big enough I go big game hunting.
  2. theryl2002

    Driving settings

    Double tap left alt. This will allow you to free look with the mouse and drive with your keyboard.
  3. If you read the first post, trading is only open until 23:00 UTC. You didn't log on in time.
  4. theryl2002

    Maximum AFK time?

    There is no maximum afk time, however you will die if your afk for too long. Food water etc...
  5. I call shenanigans, His twitch page hasn't been used in a year. http://www.twitch.tv/tersidre/videos If you are doubting it's his twitch page, look at the references, his buddies are from the WoW scene, he last streamed his Death Knight. His last played game is part of his steam library http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968207989, which also includes Arma2 and Arma2 OA. Good troll is good.
  6. theryl2002

    How Long Do You Scout?

    It all depends. How many people are on the server, how many zombies are spawned, can you see zombies from where you are, is the number of alive zombies decreasing? All of these factor into how much time you should spend scouting.
  7. theryl2002

    Banned these guys

    This is correct, script #55 is a natural occurring script that launches when you crash a vehicle and it blows up.
  8. theryl2002

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Honestly it seems like somewhere out there is some dude with a keygen, that he is using to circumvent bans. Your best bet would be to see if you can return the game for another copy.
  9. theryl2002

    Opening pack problem

    If you open the pack and see Czech pack 16/16 that means that your pack is empty. When you are at that screen the items will have a number to their right, select that item, then click the left arrow from your inventory.
  10. No-one has experienced night until they make the run from Elektro, to NW Airfield with your balls on fire. Seriously find some road flares, toss one out and pick it up, then hall ass. You can't avoid towns in fear of zombies or players. Sweep and clear, move fast grab food drink and weapons, but above all else keep that flare rockin. Visibility is great for you and the players watching you saying wtf is he thinking. I have made this trip twice now with a friend, both of us flares in hand.
  11. theryl2002

    Banned from US 1065

    This guy has been seen on several occasions teleporting around, and has announced that he could see a player that was 100m away and behind 3 solid walls, suspected of ESP.
  12. theryl2002

    Location and Spawn Information

    A Map with all of the spawn locations already exists. http://www.dayzdb.com/map It is built off of google maps and is accurate.
  13. theryl2002

    Old Fart Gaming branching into Day Z.

    I am definately down to join. Steam ID: therylw In-Game Name: Varies I sometimes stream while I play (Usually go as RedSoloCup, or Khilbron) Age: 30 Timezone: CDT (GMT -6) Central DayZ Experience: I have only played the game a few times, but I am really enjoying the times that I do play. After having encountered several players, no bad experiences yet, but at the same time, it was both of us with guns pointed at each other as we circle strafed to get around to the side we were going towards, only to part ways. Motives For Joining: As mentioned above I have only ever played alone, I am a survivor, and would really like more known friendly players to hang out with. I feel a game cannot be played without proper voice comms, and with DayZ if you strategize with the ingame comms your likely to get yourself killed. A Little About Yourself: I'm an IT Professional from Nashville, TN, I have been playing video games since they existed on BBC's (Bulletin Board Communities). I play anything from Military shooters to fantasy RPG's. I am friendly by nature and will do everything I can to help others, but If someone burns me I hold a grudge against them.