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Everything posted by RapturJesus

  1. An axe is too big. Using the hunting knife seems more realistic.
  2. RapturJesus

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    Seems like it would be really easy to aggravate with. Tase, falls down, gets up, tase, falls down, gets up, tase, anurism occurs.
  3. I was in the apartments in cherno across from a hospital. Another survivor fell off the roof and died. What an idiot. Didn't have much. Just a M19 and some blood bags really. I took some mags. Later he came back and was about to loot his body when I came out the door. "Dont shoot. Im a friendly." He then did the surrender action. I immediately shot him in the face. I saw a fresh survivor running. I ran up to her and said "Hey you wanna team up?" as she was typing I axe murdered her. Another fresh survivor running. I said "Hey you dont have a weapon. You want a free axe? I have two." "Sure man thanks alot." I then proceeded to croutch down and act like I was dropping something. After about 5 secs I got up and axe murdered him. I saw a freshie running down the road to cherno in the distance. I shot him in the leg (on purpose) then quickly went over to his body and said "Oh im sorry" and proceeded to bandage him. He said had about 6500 blood left. I had blood and morphine in my bags but I said "I cant help you man. I dont have anything. Ill cover you if you crawl to the hospital though." After literally 50minutes of watching him crawl and me shooting at him but acting like its another sniper we finally get to the hospital. I gave him a blood transfusion and he took morphine. I was going to kill him here but I had a bigger plan. I apologized again and asked if he wanted to team up. He did. We traveled to Pusta. Killed a bunch of zombies. He was out of ammo. We both needed a bit of health so I made a campfire to cook our meat. After eating I shot him the leg. Bandaged him. Then ran away. About two hours later. I went to the hospital. I think I needed blood bags. I was traveling with friends so they could give me one. And what do you know. That son of bitch crawled to the electro hospital. He just ran out of the hospital. Still had an enfield with no ammo. I shot him in the leg... again. This time no bandage though. I remember him saying like "Why are you such a fucking douche man? Like what the fuck?! Im going to report you!!! Why did you never kill me?" I just laughed and after about two minutes of witty banter I shot him in the head.
  4. RapturJesus

    Admins at SE 6! Cheating or just pro?

    Being apart of "the admin squad" does not mean you get free loot or hacks. Anyway report them. If you can remember the server, names, etc. report.
  5. RapturJesus

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Why is every WarZ enthusiast a complete and total butthurt troll that got killed in DayZ? Oh yeah. Because they're a total butthurt troll that got killed in DayZ.
  6. RapturJesus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

  7. RapturJesus

    Did I break an unspoken rule?

    Most likely the admin kicked you for killing other players. Thats abuse. Just avoid that server and report it.
  8. RapturJesus

    Cloth/Armor Slots and More Choices

    This isn't World of Warcraft. You can't role mage or paladin in a zombie apocalypse. You already have an inventory without a backpack. Any more space and you might as well have a portable bank.
  9. RapturJesus

    To many guns?

    No. Dude. Its Russia. Im surprised every household doesn't have a bunch of vodka and at least 20 guns.
  10. RapturJesus

    I want beer

    Soda hydrates? Right....
  11. RapturJesus


    Yummy Survivor... Mmmm
  12. RapturJesus

    Victory Condtions

    The RT Podcast suggested creating a vaccine that made all the zombies human again. You could have a chance of screwing up and killing yourself or anyone you give it to. etc etc etc It sounds cool. But what after that? A server restart? A long.. long.. looooooong fucking time of strenuous work to get the vaccine ready just to start the game over? Seems useless. And as for leaving. Im guess the whole world is infected. You could also just ya know... walk off the map...
  13. RapturJesus

    US 273 admin abuse

    Though I do not consider nigger a rasict term, most do and have a good reason too even though most people know little to nothing about the word or the time in history it was popularized. Pro Coach Carter Tip: If you do not like other people using that word, as some black(or any other race) people do, do not use it yourself by reffering to your friends as "niggas" or any variation of the term. It tells them that its okay to use it. I do agree that he should've given you a warning. Using it just once shouldn't result in a ban. That's ridiculous. Then again im not the server admin. He was right. You said something that was again his/her rules. You got banned. Get over it. EDIT: Also I in my post I said "the word" a few times. In my personal opinion, with the topic that is at hand its better to just use it then to go "DAT WURD" over and over again. I do not mean to offened and I'm sorry if I did. If this thread offends you in anyway I do not believe that me or anyone else was spreading hate in this thread. This thread is about a server admin and a banned user. Nothing more.
  14. RapturJesus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like to be added to the white list. I usually operate between the starting areas (Cherno/Electro) and the areas in between the NW airfield. Though I tend to go all over the map. Steam: Raptur Jesus Same as my in game name and anything else really.
  15. I want to be able to cannibalize soooooo fucking badly. Also fishing. Although they would have to make it realistic. Which means waiting for long periods of time just to catch fish.
  16. RapturJesus

    Graphics issues! Please help...

    It might just be the server. I can run Ultra in WoW but I tend to run Normal in DayZ even if the ping is very low just in case. Try checking your ping regularly by pressing J assuming you haven't changed the default settings. Then scroll down to your player. It should show the ping and maybe explain your problem.
  17. Might be wrong enter button. The NUM Enter should be the one with the "Enter" on it and calculator beneath it. At least on mine. Some computers do no have this. Try changing the default, which is NUM ENTER, to another key. Also PRO TIP 95% of the keys that already have actions attached you wont even need those actions. So don't worry about not being able to *insert retarded action here*
  18. A chest is a bigger and easier target. One bullet is more than enough to kill.
  19. Don't let a few hackers ruin your experience guys. Keep your chins up. Maybe you could run fraps and go onto that server to try and catch them. This would mean that you would lose gear again. Which is very unfortunate but you would be doing the entire community a great justice by catching this asshole. I'm guessing your smart people and you may have already thought about this but trying contacting the admin. If it is the admin just avoid that server entirely or do as previously stated and catch him. If you do that would be a joyous revenge in my opinion.
  20. RapturJesus

    UK666 Admin Abuse

    Neither side has really given any hard evidence. Honestly though the admin sounds more like a douche who bought a server than a good admin who doesn't abuse the rules. The other person is just angry, and he isn't the wrong by being so. However with no evidence really supporting either I don't see this issue getting resolved. The guy said he already found a DMR and M14 the other day. While he did lose a car its only a video game.
  21. RapturJesus

    Most humilating death?

    I went to Cherno, which was completely on fire.... Im serious, I randomly broke my ankle while running, fell over, died at 12k. Was on a lighthouse crouching. Went prone. Fell off. Every bone broken. Fucking dead.
  22. RapturJesus

    Limit neverending sprint (Indepth stamina)

    It takes a long time to get anywhere already. Also losing unconsciousness while sprinting is what fat people do. This is a military game and your guy isnt really sprinting its more of a run. When you hit forward once its more of a jog and even then you can easily avoid zombies.
  23. RapturJesus

    Shopping carts

    I like it but your suggestion of how much inventory space it holds it ridiculous. How fucking big is that cart? Seriously. Anyway the idea is good. I would say max inventory slots is somewhere between 30-40. Running speed is decreased. A little more on off-roads. Sound/visual is increased while holding on to or moving the cart.
  24. RapturJesus

    Item locations unrealistic

    I love that idea but the game IS a mod. Making the mod must be incredibly difficult on its own and with the glitchiness of spawns already they should'nt really mess with them.
  25. RapturJesus

    Is it impossible for Players to help you?
