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Everything posted by RapturJesus

  1. RapturJesus

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    No. Its hard/long enough to get end game stuff. Unless your server hopping. Its pretty much impossible to get all the good weapons. If you do then explore. Help people. Kill people. Do whatever the fuck you want.
  2. RapturJesus

    Load a vehicle found on another server.

    I want to agree but we have assholes called clan members and hoarders.
  3. RapturJesus


    Title says it all really. Pretty much everyone on the server was killed. Only name I remember is Eric. He wasn't the hacker though. I was searching the firehouse and got teleported. Tried to run out, couldn't find anyone to kill, and got script killed.Like 30 other people died. It would be pretty hard to miss. No screenshots or video. Sorry
  4. I think it depends if they are shooting in your vicinity. Two friends of mine befriended a loner as they were on their way to meet. The loner started hitting one with a crowbar, the other friend killed him and got a bandit kill. The guy had no murders. No way he did.
  5. I bought British Armed Forces and Private Military Company for DayZ to improve the graphics. I tried launching both games before starting up DayZ and I got a message saying "Error creating 3D 9 graphical engine" or something like that. What do I do? Someone said to add " -mod=@DayZ " to the launch options but that didn't work.
  6. Your truck is now mine. If you want to trade for some NVGs or ghillie suits we can think of something.
  7. RapturJesus

    Okay....so do you guys thing im gangsta?

    Yo dawg. You is str8 up G unit sqwad man. Fukn bitchn yo. Kna what I meen? You is sick as fuck dawg. Lik fo reels yo.
  8. Why does it do this? How can I fix this from happening?
  9. RapturJesus

    I can't deal with this anymore.

    Its the server. /thread
  10. RapturJesus

    AS50 or M14 Aim

    No. You pick one.
  11. RapturJesus

    Worst 30$ spent.

    *looks at OPs other posts* Yup. You be trollin bro. Also everyone thats going "LOL YOU NO KNOW HOW PLAY" is an idiot.
  12. They fixed the glitch a few patches ago I thought?
  13. RapturJesus

    St. Louis, Missouri DayZ Facebook Group

    No one cares about your thread. Stop bumping.
  14. I killed this one guy this one time with meh snipr rifles. Was so ubr l33333t bros
  15. RapturJesus

    Tips on how to pitch tent?

    Its hard. It really is, for me at least. I usually have to hand off my tent to a friend so it can be pitched. Im on a flat area as always but it still almost never lets me. Do you guys have any tips on how to set one up?
  16. RapturJesus

    Rarest Item?

    Go to DayZ wiki.
  17. It was awesum. I jus saw dis one guy n i shooted his face wit meh snipr rifle. sho fukin cool bros hope you liked my story! LOL!
  18. RapturJesus

    Venting Thread

    Hopefully this thread will become the general thread for all vents. So we can just avoid fucking idiots who join just to make a rage thread. Anyway. I love this game. But why does it fuck my mouth so hard everytime i get good weapons? I dont camp weapons or server hop. I dont even indulge in PKing for the most part. Everytime ive gotten a good weapon ive either stubbed my toe and broke a bone then fucking died at 12k or get spawned killed upon joining a server. Its stupid and I hate it. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I feel better now.
  19. RapturJesus

    Vehicles less rare?

    I agree. To be honest I think the current amount of spawns would be okay. However people server hop and farm them like they do with military loot and etc. Adding more may make some more legit players have an actual chance to get some.
  20. RapturJesus

    Killcam with name

    Obvious troll is obvious
  21. RapturJesus

    More hospitals?

    The cities aren't either. They have like 70 houses. IF THAT. There needs to be small drug stores or small hospitals in some towns.
  22. RapturJesus

    Bring ACE to DayZ

    You can already cut barbed wire if you have a toolbox.
  23. RapturJesus

    Making sniping a little harder

    Theres this thing called lag. Maybe youve heard of it. It makes it hard to hit things sometimes.