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Everything posted by RapturJesus

  1. RapturJesus

    DayZ Campers Recruiting

    Just joined. Hopefully we can team up together in a server if we ever feel the need to or see each other. I also invited a friend.
  2. RapturJesus

    Bandit Tips

    Find a sniper, camp electro, win dick of the year.
  3. RapturJesus

    Can I create clans/squads?

    A friend and I have been traveling all across Cheranrus and have always just helped each other out. I remember reading something about clans forming in DayZ but I just skimmed over it. I was wondering if I can somehow invite people to join a clan or squad of some sort. Is that possible? Side Question: If that is possible, is it possible for the game to show what server your clan members are playing on?
  4. Wait... You can't make a fire in real life? I can understand gutting an animal as most people live in a city and not in the country but... A FIRE?! Its not hard!
  5. RapturJesus

    New Zombies Please?!

    Or even a zombie that has the survivor skin. Maybe whenever a survivor (player) dies they could be turned into a zombie after 3 minutes or so. The only way of preventing it is if someone else hides the body (which makes it go underground, so basically burying it).But also have a 10 minute timer from when you spawn for that to be able to happen. We don't want people respawning because they dont like the area and then have 10,000 zombies at a starting zone.
  6. RapturJesus

    New Zombies Please?!

    Nothing is truly science fiction. We do not even know how far we can truly stretch our boundaries. Not only in scientific discovers or achievements but the human race as a whole. Anything and everything is technically possible.
  7. RapturJesus

    For the horde

    I think the occasional Mike Tyson zombie that makes you bleed out and break all your bones in one hit is more than enough.
  8. RapturJesus

    Good bye hacked tents! [@US 10]

    Found one of those the other day. Had an AS50 with with 3 full clips and 8 NVGs.
  9. Highest Murder Count: 4 All with an axe lol. So far I havent killed a bandit.
  10. RapturJesus

    I bought BAF and PMC for (Error problem)

    No but do I need to install patches for BAF and PMC? I tried and right now BAF is finished but i just get error after error after error. So It wont let me install that patch. EDIT: PMC just finished. Same problem.