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Everything posted by budderism

  1. this is a bullshit excuse IMO. If you cant finish an alpha and make it work, what the fuck makes me think your going to finish a whole game and make it work?
  2. this happened on me and my friends server, your pretty much SOL besides completely restarting the server to wipe it from the hive, including all vehicles and tents. GL
  3. Most, if not all of my friends have quit becuase of the rampant hacking, and they unanimously agree they will not be buying the standalone now unless the hacking on dayz is fixed BEFORE it is released (me included) More importantly has Rocket even addressed the hacking? Steps to fix it? Eta? I'd love to play this game, I would love to pay for it if it meant no/less hackers. But in the current state im getting killed by hackers pretty much once a day if i play for more than an hour and its extremely annoying, and like I said if the hacking isn't fixed on the mod before the standalone comes out, who wants to risk paying for it if its going to be hacker infested as well?
  4. Guy drives up to me on a motorcycle, i fire goto fire 1 shot then me and 3 others die immediately. No gunfire, nothing.
  5. servers are down but you can still connect by remote in game. Find your servers Ip addy at this link then put it into remote in game http://arma2.swec.se/server/list dont kill me if you see me as thanks! lol
  6. This should work for every country/location, your probably just doing it wrong
  7. budderism

    FPS performance terrible!

    lol amd athlon 2x core at 2.5 ghz 8800gt gpu 4 gigs of ddr2 ram get 40-50 fps on medium Some servers just run like shit
  8. Only an idiot would think that video shows any kind of hacking. Dont be mad your guys camp got destroyed, your players killed and looted and exposed for hacking (heli).
  9. [Logistic] Thea (theia? sp) just got killed by someone in my group, they then proceed to teleport everyone to 1 location, after everyone dies (I quick logged once i saw what happened) I logged back in only to see [Logistic} Theia looting all the corpses no more than 30 seconds after this happened. Once i logged in and they saw me they disconnected the server. They were the only admin on at the time as well. how do i report this to an admin and have disciplinary action taken? over 30 people lost their characters and gear due to this "admin"
  10. I believe he is inferring an admin can also be a hacker
  11. Whats hilarious, been on ALL day, and we joked in vent you guys must have left, not 1 server restart or DC
  12. I only play on 344 and i dont have dayz commander. i use worroms dayz updator Edit: not saying i dont goto other servers when 344 is down or busy, please dont put words in my mouth
  13. He was on his way to town and saw the dude drive by apparently What? im alive. And i have never alt-F4'd as my keyboard doesnt support that function, there is an F lock on my keyboard that doesnt allow me to play with it on (microsoft multimedia natural keyboard 1.0a) its old as shit, i know. Doesnt everyone with a ghilli look familiar?
  14. I stand corrected, he glitched and had nothing in his inventory at all, minus his Ghillie suite, his L85 and main inventory, no sidearm or secondary invintory or backpack or any tools, i was not on when this happened so i cant speak firsthand. Either way none of you have addressed the heli incident or the server dc's every time one of you is killed, which we have on video
  15. This right here shows me how inept and noobish you are, you cant see backpacks when someone has a ghillie suit on. and did you read it? he died/spanwed with 0 gear we picked him up with a car went to our tents he snagged new gear (we dont keep tools in tents, who does?) some food and water then we logged the next day said video happened when he was heading to town to get supplies/gear. not that hard to understand whats hard to understand is how the server resets EVERY SINGLE TIME one of you guys is killed, so we cant loot you. And you guys were riding around in a helecopter (hack, or possibly jumped in one that someone else hacked, i wont accuse
  16. [logistic] was that your camp in the video above?
  17. We figured u and all [logistic] players were admins by all the shady shit that goes on when you guys are on. The video isnt of me, rather someone i play with. Magically? he fucking drives right past him, follows the noise of the atv and the smoke, then kills him with his thermal gun. hows that magical? whats magical is that EVERY single time a [logistic] player is killed the server goes down/restarts
  18. Okay but that still doesnt address how every single time a [Logistic] player is killed, the servers dc's, sometimes for an extended period of time. Lol@ him "obviously" cheating, your boy got seen riding a vehicle, followed and killed. At no point in time on that video is there anything remotly shady Because he and I thought [Logistic] were admins, as every time they are on shady shit happens, including a helecopter spawn and server dc's
  19. So the logistic guys are just a clan that frequent? ANYTIME one of them is killed the server goes offline, our group thought they were admins, and would have left the server already if we didnt have so many vehicles/tents. Thanks for the response clint
  20. dont post ip's in here, edit your post andromeda, your just inviting asshat hackers to join :(
  21. Then the hacker was the admin, its not coincidence the admin had JUST got killed (on fraps) and disconnected the server. and the same admin just now is the only one left alive after everyone gets teleported, (meaning they were teleported to him, or he teleported there after the last 2 guys were killed) and was now looting the bodies (as he had no gear as he was just killed) shady shit
  22. here is the original video of him killing the admin, then the admin disconnecting the server so that he couldnt loot/take vehicle. he was the only admin on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCSIqyc2VVA&feature=player_embedded
  23. one guy has fraps, ill see if he can upload once hes home from work. hopefully someone else that this happened to will jump in here as well
  24. budderism

    Mass Teleport that FUCKED EVERYONE! [US34]

    us 34 or us 344, cuz the same thing just happened to us on 344 and an admin was the only one left and was looting shit