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Posts posted by T3S9Mech11e4tm3

  1. Looking for a fellow American DayZ companion that has some knowledge around the game already. You must be passed your newbie phase and be mature. Have Ventrilo installed. Post If interested and I'll PM you my server IP.

  2. I had same problem tonight too while trying to play with my gf and a friend.

    I googled and apparently its some problem with Gamespy (?) i'm not 100% sure...

    My solution:

    1 - You or one of your friends join the server everyone likes

    2 - Join a random server.

    3 - When on lobby, disconnect to main menu

    4 - Open Multiplayer browser

    5 - Go to filter and the server that didn't show up for some of you will now show for everyone

    I'll try that. Seems easy enough. Really wish that they would show the IP's publicly so you could connect through a console like the old CS days.

  3. like US servers you type in "US" then if it's US116 it doesnt show up for both of you?

    No. I pick a server from my list and tell him through VoIP and it doesn't show up on his list. Then I ask him to find a server and he does the same and I'm not able to find the server that's on his list.

  4. I managed to convince my friend to buy this game to play the mod and now that he has it we try to connect to the same servers but the listing that I get he's not able to show up, so... for instance I will try and connect to US116 and I tell him the server name, but he's not able to find it. Does this happen to anyone else? Are we each connected to a different server list?

    • Like 1

  5. It can take a looong time every once in a while, I would just leave it for a while.

    Once I hit the five minute mark. I disconnect. The only server I'm able to connect to now is US 155. Everything else just sits and loads.

  6. I downloaded 94876.

    All you need to do is extract it somewhere, run it as admin to install it and you should be good. If you get No CD key error or something just ignore it, i got that and it still worked.

    Cool, thanks. I will try this method first and then post if the results were successful or not.

  7. Logged on today Six launcher had an update and updated on its own. Didn't know I wasn't suppose to update right away. Started to get a "Battleye initialization failed" fixed that by just re-installing Six launcher. Now, I start up my game and it just sits there on "Waiting on host" never actually goes into the server. Just opens my game. Anyone have a quick fix?

  8. tips:

    find a weapon asap

    always trust people, with a grain of salt

    loot the big cities and get out ASAP

    sneak as often as you can when around zombies

    dont use alt+f4.. its lame

    dont walk infront of zombies.. they are more likely to see you

    weapons and ammo is as valuable as food and water

    not all players are ass hole killers...

    NEVER give up!

    its ALPHA.. you will randomly die

    and most importantly of all DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR!! YOU WILL LOOSE IT!!! and NO exceptions to that

    I was told to never trust anyone. Are the controls very complex? Or self explanatory.

    "friendly" Means as much as "banana" to most people. Even on the rare chance you find someone friendly, trust no one.

    Now this makes more sense to me.

  9. Hello, T3S9Mech11e4tm3 here. I've just installed this fantastic game mod and I am excited to see what this game brings. Just for you more experienced players I was wondering If you could help a fellow survivor on what to expect and maybe discuss a few tips and tricks that should be done in the beginning of my journey. Who knows, maybe we'll run into each other and form a clan someday.

    Happy zombie hunting, T3.
